Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 31 Number 1 1978
BI9780021A Spectrophotometric Assay of ATP Synthesized by Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Douglas J Horgan
pp. 21-24
BI9780039Plasma Thyroxine Concentrations in Grazing Sheep in Several Areas of Australia
ALC Wallace, AR Gfeeson, PS Hopkins, RW Mason and RR White
pp. 39-48
BI9780049Changes in Plasma Tryptophan and Melatonin Content in Penned Sheep
DJ Kennaway, KJ Porter and RF Seamark
pp. 49-52
BI9780093Production of Enniatin as a Criterion for Confirming the Identity of Fusarium lateritium Isolates
GC Bishop and AH Ilsley
pp. 93-96
BI9780097Mudjinbarry Virus, an Orbivirus Related to Wallal Virus Isolated from Midges From the Northern Territory of Australia
RL Doherty, HA Standfast, AL Dyce, JG Carley, BM Gorman, C Filippich and BH Kay
pp. 97-104