Plasma Thyroxine Concentrations in Grazing Sheep in Several Areas of Australia
ALC Wallace, AR Gfeeson, PS Hopkins, RW Mason and RR White
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
31(1) 39 - 48
Published: 1978
Plasma thyroxine concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay in plasma samples from 691 lactating ewes in 26 areas of New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia and Tasmania. Sheep sampled in New South Wales and Tasmania had significantly lower plasma thyroxine values (4·0 and 4·3 Ilg/100ml respectively) than those sampled in Queensland and Western Australia (5·4 and 5·3 Ilg/1OO mI respectively). However, sheep in some districts in southern Queensland also had low plasma thyroxine values.
© CSIRO 1978