Characterization of a Temperature-Sensitive Female Sterile Mutant (l(1)1074TS) in Drosophila Melanogaster
CR Datson and NG Brink
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
31(1) 73 - 92
Published: 1978
A new X-linked temperature-sensitive female sterile mutant (/(1)1074") is described. The nonpermissive temperature for this mutant is 29°C. There are two temperature-sensitive periods during development-one between the 6th and 12th hours of embryogenesis and a second commencing during the first larval instar and terminating at mid pupation. Embryological abnormalities first become apparent during gastrulation and eventually these result in the breakdown of organogenesis and the complete absence of normal muscular contractions. Preconditioning mutant females at the nonpermissive temperature for up to 48 h enhances the abnormal embryological effects produced by the mutant.
© CSIRO 1978