Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 26 Number 4 1973
BI9730715Factors Controlling the Release of Phosphorus From Decomposing Wheat Roots
JK Martin and RB Cunningham
pp. 715-728
BI9730741Cellular Location and Concentration of Leghaemoglobin in Soybean Root Nodules
FJ Bergersen and DJ Goodchild
pp. 741-756
BI9730787Phospholipid of an Extremely Halophilic Bacterium, Sarcina Morrhuae
GC Woodrow, H TCheung and K Y Cho
pp. 787-792
BI9730793Studies on Wheat Endosperm I. Chemical Composition and Ultrastructure of the Cell Walls
D JMares and BA Stone
pp. 793-812
BI9730839Substrate Specificity of Mammalian D-Glucuronolactone Dehydrogenase
PG Tonkes and CA Marsh
pp. 839-850
BI9730851Effect of Urea on the Solubility of Bovine ,ß-Lactoglobulins
HA Mckenzie and GB Ralston
pp. 851-858
BI9730859Nature of Products Formed by the Action of Urea on Bovine ß-Lactoglobulins
HA Mckenzie and GB Ralston
pp. 859-870
BI9730877Studies on Monotreme Proteins II. Amino Acid Sequence of the a-Chain in Haemoglobin From the Echidna, Tachyglossus Aculeatus Aculeatus
RG Whittaker, WK Fisher and EOP Thompson
pp. 877-888
BI9730911Insect-Control Chemicals from plants II. Effects of Five Natural Norditerpene Dilactones on the Development of the Housefly
Pritam singh, PG Fenemore and GB Russell
pp. 911-916
BI9730927The Response of Ram Spermatozoa to Preparations of Egg Yolk in Semen Diluents During Storage At 5 or ?196°C
P FW atson and ICA Martin
pp. 927-936
BI9730961Influence of Various Formaldehyde Treatments on the Nutritional Value of Casein for wool Growth
JA Hemsley, PJ Reis and AM Downes
pp. 961-972
BI9730973The Melanocyte System of Cattle Skin I. Amelanotic Dendritic Cells of Epidermis
AV Schleger and KG Bean
pp. 973-984
BI9730985The Melanocyte System of Cattle Skin II. Melanotic Melanocytes of Epidermis and Dermis
AV Schleger and KG Bean
pp. 985-998
BI9730999Camphor Degradation by Strains of Pseudomonas and Mycobacterium Isolated from Soil
RA Chandler, Roslyn FGalligan and IC Macrae
pp. 999-1004
BI9731005Studies on Wheat Endosperm III. Galactose-Rich Polysaccharides
D JMares and BA Stone
pp. 1005-1008
BI9731009Effect of Oestradiol Benzoate on Biliary Phospholipids in the Rat
RH Holloway and T Heath
pp. 1009-1013