Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 24 Number 3 1971
BI9710423Effect of Osmotic and Matric Potentials on the Availability of Water for Seed Germination
JR Mcwilliam and PJ Phlllips
pp. 423-432
BI9710471Ultrastructure and Differentiation of Hydrodictyon Reticulatum II. Formation of Zooids Within The Coenobium
H JMarchant and JD Pickett-Heaps
pp. 471-486
BI9710497Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Water in Slime Mould Plasmodia
JA Walter and AB Hope
pp. 497-508
BI9710509Aspartic Acid, Asparagine, Glutamic Acid, and Glutamine Contents of Wool and two Derived Protein Fractions
LA Holt, B Milligan and CM Roxburgh
pp. 509-514
BI9710515Breed and Species Differences in the Hair Proteins of Four Genera of Caprini
RL Darskus and JM Gillespie
pp. 515-524
BI9710525The Amino Acid Sequence of the Large Plakalbumin Peptide and the C-Terminal Sequence of Ovalbumin
EOP Thompson, RW Slelgh and MB Smith
pp. 525-534
BI9710535Water-Soluble Metabolites of Carbaryl (I-Naphthyl N-Methylcarbamate) in Mouse Liver Preparations and in the Rat
JR Bend, GM Holder, E Protos and AJ Ryan
pp. 535-546
BI9710605Effects of Human Alimentary Secretions on 64cu Diffusion in an in Vitro System
JL Gollan, PS Davis and DJ Deller
pp. 605-608
BI9710619Interactions of Processes for Accumulation of Salt and Sugar in Barley Plants
MG Pitman, Julie Mowat and Helen Nair
pp. 619-632
BI9710647Nectar Production in Abutilon I. Movement of Nectar Through the Cuticle
Nele Findlay and FV Mercer
pp. 647-656
BI9710657Nectar Production in Abutilon II. Submicroscopic Structure of the Nectary
Nele Findlay and FV Mercer
pp. 657-664
BI9710665Nectar Production in Abutilon III. Sugar Secretion
Nele Findlay, ML Reed and FV Mercer
pp. 665-676
BI9710677Nectar Production in Abutilon IV. Wate'r and Solute Relations
Nele Findlay, ML Reed and FV Mercer
pp. 677-688
BI9710717Myooplasma-Like Bodies in French Bean, Dodder, and the Leafhopper Vector of the Legume Little Leaf Agent
JW Bowyer and JG Atherton
pp. 715-730
BI9710731Ionic Relations of Marine Algae III. Chaetomorpha: Membrane Electrical Properties and Chloride Fluxes
GP Findlay, AB Hope, MG Pitman, FA Smith and NA Walker
pp. 731-746
BI9710755Separation and Characterization of Subunits of Ribulose Diphosphate Carboxylase
KE Moon and EOP Thompson
pp. 747-754
BI9710797Effect of Whole-Milk and Replacement-Milk Feeding on the Fatty Acid Composition of Lymph Lipids in Young Calves
JC Wadsworth and AD Shannon
pp. 787-796
BI9710811Root Length and Vapour Pressure Deficit: Effect on Relative Water Content in Zea Mays L.
LA Downey and TC Mitchell
pp. 805-810
BI9710815An Unusual Strain of Tobacco Mosaic Virus From Plull1eria Acutifolia
RIB Francki, M Zaitlin and CJ Grivell
pp. 811-814
BI9710819A Study of Wheat Roots Infected with Ophiobolus Graminis (Sacc.) Using Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy
AA Holland and RG Fulcher
pp. 815-818
BI9710825Compounds of Low Molecular Weight in Washed Wheat Gluten
HPC Gallus and AC Jenning
pp. 819-824