Effect of Whole-Milk and Replacement-Milk Feeding on the Fatty Acid Composition of Lymph Lipids in Young Calves
JC Wadsworth and AD Shannon
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
24(3) 787 - 796
Published: 1971
The sensory epithelium of the vomeronasal organ of the suckling rat consists of three cell types: receptor, supporting, and basal. Receptor cells are peripherally situated neurones and have dendritic and axonic processes extending from the perikaryon. The former expands near the epithelial surface to an enlarged area containing vacuoles, numerous centrioles, and electron·dense granules. The free surface carries numerous microvilli but no cilia. The perikaryon contains extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum and prominent Golgi apparatus. Microtubules occur in both processes. Supporting cells are enlarged near the surface to surround receptor dendrites. In the first 7 days after birth many supporting cells carry a single cilium of the "9 + 0" pattern.https://doi.org/10.1071/BI9710797
© CSIRO 1971