Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 21 Number 2 1968
BIH Scott, Heather Gulline and CK Pallaghy
pp. 185-200
BI9680201Short-Term Growth Response to Growth Regulators In Roots of Zea Mays
DE Bottrill and JB Hanson
pp. 201-208
BI9680243Ionic Relations of Cells of Chara Australis Xi. Chloride Fluxes
HGL Coster and AB Hope
pp. 243-254
BI9680255Ultrastructure and Differentiation In Chara Sp. III. Formation of the Antheridium
JD Pickett-Heaps
pp. 255-274
BI9680275Electrophoretic Patterns of Oxidoreductases and Other Proteins As Criteria in Fungal Taxonomy
BG Clare, NT Flentje and MR Atkinson
pp. 275-296
BI9680303An Association Between Serum Amylase Phenotype and Tick Infestation in Cattle
GC Ashton, GW Seifert and J Francis
pp. 303-308
BI9680385Studies on Reduced Wool VIII. N-Acetyl Peptides Isolated From A Major Component
IJ O'donnell and EOP Thompson
pp. 385-394