Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 8 Number 30 1968
EA9680033Stocking rate and the superphosphate requirements of sown pasture on an acid soil
KD McLachlan
pp. 33-39
EA9680046Comparative productivity of some cultivars of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) in north-eastern Victoria
IH Cameron and AA McGowan
pp. 46-51
EA9680052An evaluation of several soil tests for predicting wheat yield response to superphosphate in Victoria
JV Mullaly, JKM Skene and R Jardine
pp. 52-58
EA9680072The effect of wet season land treatment and nitrogen fertilizer on safflower, linseed, and wheat in the Ord River valley. 3. Wheat
DF Beech, MJT Norman and GA McIntyre
pp. 72-80
EA9680101Perennial and annual pasture species in the control of Silybum marianum
PW Michael
pp. 101-105
EA9680106 Distribution of peach roots under pasture and cultivation
PD Mitchell and JDF Black
pp. 106-111
EA9680106c Correction - Distribution of peach roots under pasture and cultivation
PD Mitchell and JDF Black
pp. 106-111