Metabolic adaptation to lactation of dairy cows in two contrasting facilities involving partial confinement plus grazing or total confinement
G. R. Mendina

The increasing intensification of pasture-based systems has subjected the cows to different productive environments, which could affect physiological responses and, consequently, their productive performance.
The aim was to determine the effect of contrasting housing facilities (outdoor soil-bedded vs compost-bedded pack barn) used in partial confinement in pasture-based systems, on the metabolic adaptation during early lactation and its impact on productive and reproductive performance of autumn- and spring-calving dairy cows, having as a positive control a zero-grazing confined system in compost barn.
Multiparous Holstein dairy cows that calved in autumn (n = 36) and spring (n = 48) were distributed in the following three treatments from calving to 90 days in milk (DIM): outdoor soil-bedded–grazing (OD-GRZ), compost barn–grazing (CB-GRZ), compost barn–total mixed ration (CB-TMR). Milk production, total milksolids (TMS), body condition score, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), cholesterol, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and the proportion of cows with corpus luteum were determined in repeated measurements.
In both calving seasons, milk production and TMS yields did not differ between OD-GRZ and CB-GRZ, but were greater in CB-TMR (P < 0.0001). In autumn, NEFA and BHB were not affected by treatments, but cholesterol increased faster in CB-TMR (P = 0.0500). In spring, NEFA and cholesterol concentrations were not affected by treatment, but BHB remained greater in OD-GRZ until 90 DIM than in the other treatments. IGF-1 and insulin did not differ between treatments in autumn, but in spring, IGF-1 was greater in CB-TMR (P < 0.0001). The proportion of cows with corpus luteum was not different between pasture-based treatments, but both were greater than CB-TMR up to 40 DIM in autumn (P = 0.0489) and during the entire study in spring CB-TMR (P = 0.0285).
Although no differences were found among housing facilities in partial confinement, except that in spring OD-GRZ cows had greater BHB concentrations, confined cows prioritised milk production instead of reproductive function, despite presenting better energy indicators than did pasture-based cows.
Outdoor housing combined with grazing can increase the risk of greater BHB concentrations, indicative of subclinical ketosis, under heat-stress conditions, when compared with indoor housing. Confined cows increased milk production but had a delay in the resumption of ovarian cyclicity, even having a better energy status than pasture-based cows.
Keywords: compost-bedded pack barn, early lactation, farming systems, metabolism, outdoor soil-bedded, pasture-based, reproduction, TMR.
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