Birthweight of female Holstein dairy cows is associated with subsequent lactation performance
Hadi Atashi
Department of Animal Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz 7144165186, Iran. Email:
Animal Production Science 61(14) 1412-1417
Submitted: 25 January 2021 Accepted: 24 May 2021 Published: 22 June 2021
Context: Birthweight (BW), the weight of an animal taken within 24 h after birth, is the first trait that can be easily measured. Investigating the association between the BW of a calf and her performance later in life is important to realise the optimum weight at birth.
Aim: The aim was to investigate the association between BW of females and their productive and reproductive performance later in life in Holstein dairy cows.
Methods: Data used were 214 377 lactation records on 83 440 cows distributed in 134 herds collected from January 2008 to December 2018 by the Animal Breeding Centre of Iran (Karaj, Iran). Based on the BW, animals were classified into six classes: BW of 20.0–37.0 kg, 37.1–39.0 kg, 39.1–41.0 kg, 41.1–43.0 kg, 43.1–45.0 kg and 45.1–70 kg (BW1 to BW6, respectively). Multiple regression mixed models were used to investigate the association between the BW of females and their age at the first calving, lactation performance, 100- and 305-day somatic cell score, the length of the calving interval, calf BW and dystocia later in life.
Key results: The mean (s.d.) BW across all animals (females) included was 40.9 (4.93) kg. Of the 83 440 animals included, 19.26% weighed ≤37.0 kg and 14.06% weighed ≥45.0 kg, whereas >23% weighed between 39.1 and 41.0 kg at birth. Increased BW of females was associated with a decrease in their age at the first calving; an increase in their 305-day milk, fat and protein yield; longer length of their calving interval; increased BW of their calves; and increased risk for dystocia. However, there was no association between BW of females and their 305-day fat and protein percentages, and 100- and 305-day somatic cell score.
Conclusions: In any economic evaluation of BW, not only calf perinatal mortality, but also the association between the BW of females and their lactation performance later in life should be taken into account.
Implications: The BW of a female calf is associated with her production and reproductive performance, and needs to be considered as an important trait in the dairy cattle breeding program.
Keywords: calving interval, dairy cows, dystocia, somatic cell count.
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