Effects of ambient temperature and humidity on body temperature and activity of heifers, and a novel idea of heat stress monitoring
Hongzhi Tian

A Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China.
B College of Animal Science and Technology, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China.
C Shijiazhuang Tianquan Elite Breeding Dairy Cow Co., LTD, Shijiazhuang 050051, China.
D Animal Husbandry Station of Beijing, Beijing 100107, China.
E Corresponding authors. Email: dwangcn2002@vip.sina.com; luyongqiang@163.com
Animal Production Science 61(15) 1584-1591 https://doi.org/10.1071/AN20156
Submitted: 2 April 2020 Accepted: 1 June 2021 Published: 27 July 2021
Journal Compilation © CSIRO 2021 Open Access CC BY-NC-ND
Context: Heat stress has led to a serious reduction in dairy cows production performance, thus increasing the stress of feeding and reproduction management.
Aims: Heat stress arises when cows are unable to dissipate excess body heat, we aimed to investigate the effects of ambient temperature (AT) and humidity on diurnal body temperature and activity.
Methods: For improving the technology for rearing dairy cows, the vaginal temperature (VT) and activity of 60 Holstein heifers in summer (n = 20), autumn (n = 20), and winter (n = 20) were measured using the oestrus monitoring system.
Key results: We found that VT fluctuated slightly (~38.22–38.32°C) when AT and temperature-humidity index (THI) were lower than 20°C and 68, respectively. However, when this threshold is reached, VT increased significantly with increasing AT and THI, whereas activity decreased significantly.
Conclusions: Heat stress may be caused when THI is above 68 and cow’s VT reaches 38.32°C. Evidently, when the THI exceeds 68 and VT is more than 38.32°C, suitable measures for reducing the effect of heat stress on the productivity of dairy cows should be taken.
Implications: The combined monitoring of VT and THI might provide accurate guidance for preventing and controlling heat stress.
Keywords: activity, dairy cow, oestrus, heat stress, Holstein heifers, reproduction, temperature-humidity index, vaginal temperature.
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