Effects of varying proportions of corn grain to barley grain in corn silage-based diet on feed sorting behaviour and productivity of dairy cows
O. Ramezani-Afarani A , A. Zali A D , M. Ganjkhanlou A , S. M. Nasrollahi B , P. Moslehifar A and F. Ahmadi
A Department of Animal Science, Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran 31587-77871, Iran.
B Young Researchers Club, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan 81595-185, Iran.
C Division of Food Biosciences, College of Medical Life Sciences, Konkuk University, Chung-Ju, Chung-Buk 380-701, South Korea.
D Corresponding author. Email: a.zali@ut.ac.ir
Animal Production Science 61(15) 1575-1583 https://doi.org/10.1071/AN21048
Submitted: 5 February 2021 Accepted: 13 May 2021 Published: 8 July 2021
Context: Although several studies investigated the dairy cow performance in response to varying ratios of corn to barley grain, little attention has been paid to the forage component of the diet. We hypothesised that a diet based on corn silage with coarse particles might promote chewing and saliva secretion, neutralising acids produced during excess fermentation of high-barley diet and, thus, improve dairy cow productivity.
Aims: Feed sorting behaviour, nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation, and milk production were recorded in Holstein cows offered a corn silage-based diet in which corn grain was incrementally substituted with barley grain.
Methods: Eight multiparous cows, averaging 189 ± 24 days in milk, 577 ± 47 kg bodyweight and 33 ± 5 kg/day milk yield, were distributed according to two 4 × 4 Latin squares. Four total mixed rations were designed, differing in corn to barley ratios as follows: (1) 100:0, (2) 67:33, (3) 33:67 and (4) 0:100. Corn silage and alfalfa hay constituted 31.0% and 9.0% of diet DM respectively.
Key results: Although no treatment difference existed on sorting of long, medium or fine particles, the extent of sorting for 1.18-mm particles tended to increase linearly as corn to barley ratio decreased. The ruminal pH declined linearly from 5.90 to 5.60 as the barley grain proportion increased from 0 to 100. Acetate to propionate ratio decreased linearly (P < 0.01) as the barley grain proportion increased. No differences were seen in feed consumption and organic matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fibre and fat digestion in total tract. However, non-fibre carbohydrate digestibility tended to increase linearly (P = 0.07) as the ratio of corn to barley grain decreased. Time spent eating, ruminating and chewing remained largely unaffected by treatment. Treatments had no effect on fat-corrected milk production and milk composition, with the exception that actual milk production tended to increase linearly as the corn to barley ratio decreased. Feed efficiency (milk production/DM intake (DMI)) increased linearly from 1.22 to 1.32 as the barley grain proportion increased from 0 to 100.
Conclusions: Although the differences in feeding behaviour, DMI, and milk production and composition were negligible among experimental diets, cows consuming a corn silage-based diet with incremental substitution of corn grain with barley grain produced more milk per kilogram of DMI.
Implications: Increased proportion of barley grain in replacement of corn grain in corn silage-based diet might be advised as it increased the efficiency of feed conversion to milk.
Keywords: feed efficiency, feeding behaviour, forage source, grain source, rumen fermentation.
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