Australian Mammalogy
Volume 18 Number 1 1995
AM95009A Comparison of Bats and Birds as Pollinators of Banksia integrifolia in Northern New South Wales, Australia.
D.P. Woodside and G.H. Pyke
pp. 9-18
AM95019Hybridisation Between Black (Pteropods alecto) and Grey- Headed (P. poliocephalus) Flying-Foxes (Megachiroptera: Pteropodidae).
N.J. Webb and C.R. Tidemann
pp. 19-26
AM95027The Social Behaviour of Captive Northern Quolls, Dasyurus hallucatus.
E.R. Dempster
pp. 27-34
AM95045Parasites of The Proserpine Rock-wallaby, Petrogale persephone (Marsupialia: Macropodidae).
M. Begg, I. Beveridge, N.B. Chilton, P.M. Johnson and M.G. O'Callaghan
pp. 45-53
AM95055Additional Parts of The Type Specimen of Thylacinus macknessi (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) From Miocene Deposits of Riversleigh, Northwestern Queensland.
J. Muirhead and A.K. Gillespie
pp. 55-60
AM95061Electrophoretic Resolution of Species Boundaries in Tube-Nosed Bats (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) in Australia and Papua New Guinea.
S.C. Donnellan, T.B. Reardon and T.F. Flannery
pp. 61-70
AM95071Observations on Activity Patterns, Population and Den Characteristics of The Water Rat Hydromys chrysogaster Along Badger Creek, Victoria.
J.L. Gardner and M. Serena
pp. 71-75
AM95077Predation on Pteropus tonganus By A Barn Owl in American Samoa.
G.S. Grant and S.A. Banack
pp. 77-78
AM95079Genetic Analysis of a Female Macropodid Hybrid (Macropus agilis X M. rufogriseus) and Her Backcross Offspring.
P.S. Lowry, M.D.B. Eldridge and P.G. Johnston
pp. 79-82
AM95091A Comparison of The Detection of Small Mammals by Hairtubing and by Scat Analysis.
D.B. Lindenmayer, D.A. Wong and B.E. Triggs
pp. 91-92
AM95093Digestive Tract Characteristics of The Spinifex Hopping-mouse, Notomys alexis and the Sandy Inland Mouse, Pseudomys hermannsburgensis In Relation to Diet.
B.R. Murray, I.D. Hume and C.R. Dickman
pp. 93-97
AM95099Sonographic Analysis of Vocalisations in Captive Dunnarts, Sminthopsis crassicaudata.
N. Bishop, M. Bulbert, S. Carr, S. Kroker and J. Millikan
pp. 99-100
AM95101Trapping Techniques and a Pen Design for The Greater Bilby Macrotis lagotis.
R. Southgate, P. McRae and R. Atherton
pp. 101-104