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Australian Mammalogy Australian Mammalogy Society
Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

A Comparison of Bats and Birds as Pollinators of Banksia integrifolia in Northern New South Wales, Australia.

D.P. Woodside and G.H. Pyke

Australian Mammalogy 18(1) 9 - 18
Published: 1995


We captured Queensland Blossom Bats (Syconycteris australis) feeding at the flowers of Banksia integrifolia during the night and several honeyeater species feeding at the same flowers during the day. Nearby were flowering Melaleuca quinquenervia and various forested areas including littoral rainforest. Honeyeaters appear to be more frequent visitors to the Banksia flowers than Blossom Bats but less effective at transporting pollen. When they are feeding at Banksia flowers both birds and bats carry pollen on the parts of their bodies that contact successive inflorescences. Hence, both honeyeaters and bats are likely to be pollinators of B. integrifolia in our study area. However, the flowers produce nectar and dehisce pollen primarily at night, suggesting that Blossom Bats are more important than honeyeaters as pollinators of this plant. Banksia pollen was the most common item in the diet of the Blossom Bats during our study and the bats were able to digest the contents of this pollen. Interestingly, the diet of these animals also included relatively small amounts of Melaleuca pollen, fruit and arthropods. The spatial and temporal patterns of capture of the Blossom Bats suggested that Blossom Bats prefer to forage at Banksia flowers that are near to the forested areas and that adult bats may influence where and when younger bats feed. Banksia integrifolia appears to produce nectar mostly during the night and/or early morning in two different locations, one coastal and one on the tablelands, but shows different daily patterns of pollen anthesis in these locations.

© Australian Mammal Society 1995

Committee on Publication Ethics

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