Detection of rabbit and wombat warrens in broad-scale satellite imagery
Natarsha McPherson

The ability to accurately assess the spatial pattern of wild animal distributions is essential for conservation management. Warrens constructed by burrowing species offer proxies for estimating geographic occupation. We tested the feasibility of open-access satellite-based detection for two semi-fossorial mammals, the southern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons) and European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), across the Nullarbor Plain, South Australia. Along two 100 km road sections, we collected GPS locations of warrens from ground-walked transects (~1 km) at 22 sites. Wombat and rabbit warrens were identified and digitised using Google Earth and Microsoft Bing imagery (<1.5 m resolution) for each transect. We found a significant correlation between satellite and field estimates with R2 values of 0.98 (P < 1 × 10−15) and 0.56 (P < 1 × 10−4) for wombat and rabbit warrens, respectively. User accuracy was high for both wombat (91%) and rabbit (81%) warrens. Omission in the satellite imagery was low for wombats (14%) but high for rabbit warrens (44%). However, small warrens less than 10 m in diameter accounted for 79% of rabbit warren omissions. This demonstrates that the geospatial pattern of warrens constructed by two semi-fossorial mammals can be detected and distinguished in broad-scale satellite imagery across Australia’s semi-arid landscape.
Keywords: burrowing, rabbits, remote detection, satellite imagery, semi-fossorial mammals, species distribution, wildlife monitoring, wombats.
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