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Australian Mammalogy Australian Mammalogy Society
Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

Capture success and population density of the northern bettong Bettongia tropica in northeastern Queensland.

K. Vernes and L. C. Pope

Australian Mammology 28(1) 87 - 92
Published: 2006


The population density of the northern bettong (Bettongia tropica), an endangered potoroid restricted to northeastern Australia, was estimated using minimum known-to-be-alive (MKTBA) and Jolly-Seber estimates derived from mark-recapture data. At Davies Creek in the north of the bettong's current range, bettong population densities were significantly lower in Allocasuarina forest (1.5 bettongs km-2) that in Eucalyptus woodland (3.7 - 7.5 bettongs km-2). At Eucalyptus woodland sites south and west of Davies Creek, population density was up to twice as great as it was at Davies Creek, while at sites north of Davies Creek, population densities were very low. Capture success was variable, ranging between 5 and 21%. Our data support previous research that suggested B. tropica density on the Lamb Range was correlated with latitude and moisture. Despite the restricted distribution of the northern bettong, our data indicate that populations on the Lamb Range, the species' stronghold, are generally healthy.

© Australian Mammal Society 2006

Committee on Publication Ethics

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