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The APPEA Journal The APPEA Journal Society
Journal of Australian Energy Producers


G.T. Cooper

The APPEA Journal 35(1) 436 - 450
Published: 1995


The Eastern Otway Basin exhibits two near-or-thogonal structural grains, specifically NE-SW and WNW-ESE trending structures dominating the Otway Ranges, Colac Trough and Torquay Embayment. The relative timing of these structures is poorly constrained, but dip analysis data from offshore seismic lines in the Torquay Embayment show that two distinct structural provinces developed during two separate extensional episodes.

The Snail Terrace comprises the southern structural province of the Torquay Embayment and is characterised by the WNW-ESE trending basin margin fault and a number of small scale NW-SE trending faults. The Torquay Basin Deep makes up the northern structural province and is characterised by the large scale, cuspate Snail Fault which trends ENE-WSW with a number of smaller NE-SW trending faults present.

Dip analysis of basement trends shows a bimodal population in the Torquay Embayment. The Snail Terrace data show extension towards the SSW (193°), but this trend changes abruptly to the NE across a hinge zone. Dip data in the Torquay Basin Deep and regions north of the hinge zone show extension towards the SSE (150°). Overall the data show the dominance of SSE extension with a mean vector of 166°.

Seismic data show significant growth of the Crayfish Group on the Snail Terrace and a lesser growth rate in the Torquay Basin Deep. Dip data from the Snail Terrace are therefore inferred to represent the direction of basement rotation during the first phase of continental extension oriented towards the SSW during the Berriasian-Barremian? (146-125 Ma). During this phase the basin margin fault formed as well as NE-SW trending ?transtensional structures in the Otway Ranges and Colac Trough, probably related to Palaeozoic features.

Substantial growth along the Snail Fault during the Aptian-Albian? suggests that a second phase of extension affected the area. The Colac Trough, Otway Ranges, Torquay Embayment and Strzelecki Ranges were significantly influenced by this Bassian phase of SSE extension which probably persisted during the Aptian-Albian? (125-97 Ma). This phase of extension had little effect in the western Otway Basin, west of the Sorrel Fault Zone, and was largely concentrated in areas within the northern failed Bass Strait Rift. During the mid-Cretaceous parts of the southern margin were subjected to uplift and erosion. Apatite fission track and vitrinite reflectance analyses show elevated palaeotemperatures associated with uplift east of the Sorell Fault Zone.

© CSIRO 1995

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