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The APPEA Journal The APPEA Journal Society
Journal of Australian Energy Producers

Engineering Poster E8: Dynamic Risk Advisor – real time bowtie risk assessment monitoring system

Gustavo F. O. Silva A *
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A Intelie – A Viasat Company, Rua Helena, 140, 122 – Vila Olímpia/SP, Brazil.

* Correspondence to:

The APPEA Journal 62 -
Published: 3 June 2022


Poster E8

This paper describes the development of a Dynamic Risk Advisor to improve safety of operations in fleet marine construction and production oil and gas vessels, well, and subsea equipment in process safety management, providing rig management onshore and offshore tools to assess health, safety, and environment (HSE) performance in real time. This tool uses the bowtie methodology, and provides a useful framework to present a risk ‘picture’ and to satisfy management of health and safety at work regulations. The focus of the methodology is the relationship between safeguards (control systems/equipment, process controls, and human factors) and an overview of the safety process monitoring in a simple and visual form. As facilities and equipment age, those safeguards may become less effective or degraded (different from the condition at the moment of risk assessment creation/revision), risks may increase and that is why they must be monitored using an effective, continuous, and temporal-aware method. Ocyan and Viasat/Intelie created a solution to identify and analyse the hazards dynamically (in real time) using the LIVE streaming data platform, providing an interface that allows the client to manage the current risk profile of their assets using a bowtie diagram. Additionally, this also provides a way for the user to assess the effect of degraded safeguards on complex operations in real time, by monitoring the actual residual risk. The study started in 2019 and was developed together with the Ocyan HSE team and was extended to all fleet due to the positive results. The tool can be accessed from mobile phones and tablets.

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Keywords: barrier management, bowtie, bowtie methodology, dynamic monitoring system, Dynamic Risk Advisor, equipment sensor monitoring, LOPA, real time monitoring, risk analysis, safety process monitoring.

Gustavo Fernando de Oliveira Silva is a mechanical engineer who graduated from Universidade Federal de Itajubá in 2006. He has over 13 years of experience in oil and gas, working in operations, projects, and planning. Gustavo started his career working offshore in Brazil as a LWD Engineer and Directional Drilling Engineer, then moved to operations coordination, with active participation in health, safety, and environment (HSE) meetings with significant customers and gained experience in coordinating multiple simultaneous projects. Gustavo also has international experience leading multicultural teams in Saudi Arabia. Currently Gustavo is working as a Solution Engineer at Intelie/ViaSat company in São Paulo, Brazil, creating technical specification requirements to the Development Team and Technical Leadership of Product Projects. Email: