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The APPEA Journal The APPEA Journal Society
Journal of Australian Energy Producers
RESEARCH ARTICLE (Non peer reviewed)

A comprehensive approach to safe and successful asset operatorship transition

Neil Clegg A B and Steve Heinemann A B
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- Author Affiliations

A Upstream Production Solutions, Level 5, 1101 Hay Street, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia.

B Corresponding authors. Email:;

The APPEA Journal 58(2) 521-524
Accepted: 1 March 2018   Published: 28 May 2018


There are many drivers for transitioning an asset’s operatorship, whether it be seeking a more cost-effective operations model in a challenging market environment, the sale of aging depleted assets or the need to upgrade operations to support business strategy.

This paper will detail the opportunities and complex elements involved with transitioning an asset’s operatorship from operations philosophy to personnel, procurement, logistics, engineering, maintenance and integrity. The transition process is best approached as a standalone project with a disciplined and robust execution methodology.

Building a safe working culture is critical to the establishment of a strong operatorship, requiring collaboration among all parties, as well as strong alignment of objectives.

This paper will provide an overview of the elements to be coordinated during the transition of an asset’s operatorship, sharing insights from recent transitions of asset operatorships to highlight the challenges and opportunities.

Keywords: alignment, computerised maintenance-management system, contractor, culture, duty-holder, lessons-learned, management of change, owner, project, regulator.

Neil Clegg – Manager Production Assurance & Capability Development. Neil is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer and Technical Authority for maintenance and reliability in the oil and gas industry. During his 27 years of experience, Neil has worked in onshore and offshore maintenance, operations, LNG and project engineering internationally, including in some of the largest global projects in the oil and gas industry. As Production Assurance and Capability Development Manager for Upstream Production Solutions, Neil achieves operational excellence through developing and coaching teams to maintain high technical standards and pioneers leading ways of working.

Steve Heinemann – Special Projects Manager. Steve is a Registered Process Engineer and Economist with more than 40 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, both upstream and downstream. He has worked within engineering, project management and operations across Australasia, Asia and Europe for major companies such as Shell, BHP, BP, Santos, Origin and Woodside, among others. Steve has worked with Upstream Production Solutions for the last 13 years, managing FPSOs, onshore and offshore oil and gas plants in start-up, operation and transition.