Australian Health Review
Volume 38 Number 2 2014
AH14058 Full Text | AH14058PDF (69 KB) Open Access Article
AH13248Ten clinician-driven strategies for maximising value of Australian health care
Ian Scott
pp. 125-133
AH13248 Abstract | AH13248 Full Text | AH13248PDF (284 KB) Open Access Article
AH13080Analysing risk factors for poorer breast cancer outcomes in residents of lower socioeconomic areas of Australia
David Roder, Helen M. Zorbas, James Kollias, Chris M. Pyke, David Walters, Ian D. Campbell, Corey Taylor and Fleur Webster
pp. 134-141
AH13113The physical health status, service utilisation and barriers to accessing care for asylum seekers residing in the community: a systematic review of the literature
Emily J. Hadgkiss and Andre M. N. Renzaho
pp. 142-159
AH13240Challenges to pharmaceutical policymaking: lessons from Australia’s national medicines policy
Wendy Lipworth, Evan Doran, Ian Kerridge and Richard Day
pp. 160-168
AH13245Medical emergency response in a sub-acute hospital: improving the model of care for deteriorating patients
Philip Visser, Alison Dwyer, Juli Moran, Mary Britton, Melodie Heland, Filomena Ciavarella, Sandy Schutte and Daryl Jones
pp. 169-176
AH13195Nature and frequency of services provided by child and family health nurses in Australia: results of a national survey
Virginia Schmied, Cathrine Fowler, Chris Rossiter, Caroline Homer, Sue Kruske and The CHoRUS team
pp. 177-185
AH13014Feasibility of ambulatory withdrawal management delivered in a NSW drug health service and correlates of completion
Rachel M. Deacon, Susan Hines, Kenneth Curry, Maggie Tynan and Carolyn A. Day
pp. 186-189
AH13194First impressions: towards becoming a health-literate health service
Anne Johnson
pp. 190-193
AH13189At the crossroads of violence and aggression in the emergency department: perspectives of Australian emergency nurses
Julia Morphet, Debra Griffiths, Virginia Plummer, Kelli Innes, Robyn Fairhall and Jill Beattie
pp. 194-201
AH13189 Abstract | AH13189 Full Text | AH13189PDF (137 KB) Open Access Article
AH13208Mental health service delivery: a profile of mental health non-government organisations in south-east Queensland, Australia
Louise Byrne, Michael Wilson, Karena J. Burke, Cadeyrn J. Gaskin and Brenda Happell
pp. 202-207
AH13170Applications of the balanced scorecard for strategic management and performance measurement in the health sector
Farshad Behrouzi, Awaluddin Mohamed Shaharoun and Azanizawati Ma'aram
pp. 208-217
AH13138Documentation of limitation of medical therapy at the time of a rapid response team call
K. Sundararajan, A. Flabouris, Alexander Keeshan and Tracey Cramey
pp. 218-222
AH13174Dying in two acute hospitals: would usual care meet Australian national clinical standards?
Katherine Clark, Naomi Byfieldt, Malcolm Green, Peter Saul, Jill Lack and Jane L. Philips
pp. 223-229
AH13161Time spent on daytime direct care activities by personal carers in two Australian residential aged care facilities: a time–motion study
Siyu Qian, Ping Yu, David M. Hailey, Zhenyu Zhang, Pamela J. Davy and Mark I. Nelson
pp. 230-237
AH13030Clinical networks influencing policy and practice: the establishment of advanced practice pharmacist roles for specialist palliative care services in South Australia
Kate Swetenham, Debra Rowett and David Stephenson
pp. 238-241
AH13030 Abstract | AH13030 Full Text | AH13030PDF (111 KB) Open Access Article