![Australian Health Review](/covers/AH_generic.jpg)
Australian Health Review
Volume 24 Number 1 2001
Jeffrey Braithwaite and Don Hindle
pp. 3-9
AH010010Using program theory to develop keyperformance indicators for child andadolescent mental health services
Peter Birleson, Peter Brann and Amanda Smith
pp. 10-21
AH010037Falls prevention: partnering occupational therapy and general practitioners.
Susan J Brandis and Amanda T Tuite
pp. 37-42
AH010043Introducing the routine use of outcomes measurement to mental health services
Tom Callaly and Assoc. Prof. Erica L. Hallebone
pp. 43-50
AH010051Cost-analysis of gym-based versus home-based cardiac rehabilitation programs
Louisa Collins, Paul Scuffham and Sue Gargett
pp. 51-61
AH010062From I.T. to information management with casemix data
Donna Diers and Dianne Pelletier
pp. 62-67
AH010068About FACE: the applications of a structured approach to mentalhealth information
Rob Elzinga and Fiona Meredith
pp. 68-78
AH010085Community-based continuity of midwifery care versus standard hospital care: a cost analysis
Caroline S Homer, Deborah V Matha, Lesley G Jordan, Jo Wills and Gregory K Davis
pp. 85-93
AH010094The importance of age and other variables in predicting paediatric patient flows in New South Wales
John FP Bridges and Ralph M Hanson
pp. 94-99
AH010105A framework for monitoring maternal and infant health status
Hai Phung, Lis Young and David Greenfield
pp. 105-115
AH010120Prosthetic inventory management
Peter Brinkman, Christine Seipel and Alison Juers
pp. 120-127
AH010157Point of entry treatment gives best time to thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction.
Michael Bryant and Anne-Maree Kelly
pp. 157-160
AH010161Agenda-setting in health reform:the role of community
Rosemary Aldrich and Gavin Mooney
pp. 161-165
AH010166Influences on the implementation of TQM in health care organisations:professional bureaucracies, ownership and complexity
Tony Badrick and Arthur Preston
pp. 166-175
AH010192Establishing an evidence base for the specialist breast nurse: A model for Australian breast cancer care
Barbara Liebert, Michael Parle, Kate White and Alan Rodger
pp. 192-200