Prosthetic inventory management
Peter Brinkman, Christine Seipel and Alison Juers
Australian Health Review
24(1) 120 - 127
Published: 2001
An improved approach to inventory management in the Operating Theatre has been initiated at Princess AlexandraHospital. A Clinical Resource Co-ordinator (CRC) position was created to provide access to expertise in purchasingand materials management at the clinical level. A review of existing inventory management practices conducted bythe CRC revealed reporting inadequacies, lack of product specialisation and inadequate control over pricing, stocklevels and product usage. Through liaison with key stakeholders, a competitive tendering process was introduced whichresulted in a standing offer arrangement being installed for three specialty orthopaedic areas. Outcomes of thisarrangement are discussed. The importance of raising the area of prosthetic inventory management for debate in theAustralian literature is also highlighted.
© AHHA 2001