Using program theory to develop keyperformance indicators for child andadolescent mental health services
Peter Birleson, Peter Brann and Amanda Smith
Australian Health Review
24(1) 10 - 21
Published: 2001
Key Performance Indicators are used increasingly by health services, but their relevance and utility may bequestionable. In this article, Program Theory is used to model the irreducible stages in the system of clinical care inChild and Adolescent Mental Health Services, define the major program operations in each of these stages, and specifythe intermediate outcomes of each stage and the final outcomes sought. National and State policy standards are used,with practice experience, to identify key program operations and intermediate outcomes sought. Systematic criteria arethen applied to select KPIs that are measurable, reliable, valid for our program theory, utilitarian, and relevant toclinicians, clients and managers.
© AHHA 2001