Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 36 Number 2 1988
ZO9880131Ultrastructure of Epidermis and Sperm of the Turbellarian Syndisyrinx-Punicea (Hickman, 1956) (Rhabdocoela, Umagillidae)
K Rohde and NA Watson
pp. 131-139
ZO9880141Population Biology of Adult Geitoneura-Klugii and Geitoneura-Acantha (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae) Near Melbourne, Australia
MF Braby and TR New
pp. 141-158
ZO9880159The Energetics of Free-Living Little Penguins Eudyptula-Minor (Spheniscidae), During Molt
R Gales, B Green and C Stahel
pp. 159-167
ZO9880209A Comparison Between the Inflammatory Mediators Produced by the Blue-Tongue Lizard (Tiliqua-Scincoides) and Human White Blood-Cells
SR Mccoll and CB Daniels
pp. 209-215
ZO9880217Milk Consumption and Energetics of Growth in Pouch Young of the Tammar Wallaby, Macropus-Eugenii
B Green, JC Merchant and K Newgrain
pp. 217-227