The initiation of smouldering peat fire by a glowing firebrand
Shaorun Lin

Wildfires represent a significant threat to peatlands globally, but whether peat fires can be initiated by a lofted firebrand is still unknown.
We investigated the ignition threshold of peat fires by a glowing firebrand through laboratory-scale experiments.
The oven-dried weight (ODW) moisture content (MC) of peat samples varied from 5% ODW to 100% ODW, and external wind (ν) with velocities up to 1 m/s was provided in a wind tunnel.
When MC < 35%, ignition is always achieved, regardless of wind velocity. However, if MC is between 35 and 85%, an external wind (increasing with peat moisture) is required to increase the reaction rate of the firebrand and thus heating to the peat sample. Further increasing the MC to be higher than 85%, no ignition could be achieved by a single laboratory firebrand. Finally, derived from the experimental results, a 90% ignition probability curve was produced by a logistic regression model.
This work indicates the importance of maintaining a high moisture content of peat to prevent ignition by firebrands and helps us better understand the progression of large peat fires.
Keywords: ember, firebreak, ignition, peatland, smouldering, spotting ignition, wildfire, wind.
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