International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 8 Number 1 1998
WF9980015 Length and Timing of Grazing on Postburn Productivity of Two Bunchgrasses in an Idaho Experimental Range
SC Bunting, R Robberecht and GE Defosse
pp. 15-20
WF9980021 Recolonization of Two Burnt Quercus pyrenaica Ecosystems by Coleoptera
JA Garcia-Villanueva, V Ena, R Tarrega and G Mediavilla
pp. 21-27
WF9980029Reduction of Fire Hazard Through Thinning/Residue Disposal in the Urban Interface
KD Kalabokidis and PN Omi
pp. 29-35
WF9980045Seventeen Years of Forest Succession Following the Waterfalls Canyon Fire in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
KM Doyle, DH Knight, DL Taylor, WJ Barmore and JM Benedict
pp. 45-55