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International Journal of Wildland Fire International Journal of Wildland Fire Society
Journal of the International Association of Wildland Fire

Physical Properties of Woody Fuel Particles of Sierra Nevada Conifers

JW Van Wagdendonk, JM Benedict and WM Sydoriak

International Journal of Wildland Fire 6(3) 117 - 123
Published: 1996


A study of the physical properties of Sierra Nevada conifer fuel particles showed that average diameter, squared quadratic mean diameter, surface-area-to-volume ratio, and specific gravity varied significantly by species for all four timelag fuel diameter size classes. The nonhorizontal angle was not significantly affected by size class, and the developmental stage of the overstory did not affect any of the properties. These values are used to calculate fuel weight and predict fire behavior. Regional variation in physical properties can result in fuel weight estimates for the Sierra Nevada that differ from under 40.8 percent to over 8.3 percent from those calculated from Rocky Mountain values. These differences made small changes in predicted fire behavior.

Keywords: Physical fuel properties, conifers, Sierra Nevada

© IAWF 1996

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