Heat input determines the response and rapid recovery of post-fire soil microbial biomass
Rong She A , Jing-Chao Li

The post-fire recovery of soil microbes is critical for ecological conservation, yet the mechanisms behind it are not well understood.
In this study, we examined the recovery patterns of culturable soil microbes following a fire.
A field experiment was conducted in which a forest soil was subjected to surface fire, and the culturable microbial biomass and soil physicochemical characteristics were evaluated 1 day after the fire, and subsequently every 10 days for 90 days.
Microbial biomass significantly reduced post-fire, with varying effects across microbial taxa and soil layers. The recovery patterns of microbial biomass at topsoil (0–10 cm) and subsoil (10–20 cm), and among different microbial taxa were also different and were determined by the residual microbiomes. Heat released during a fire (the combination of heat duration and temperature reached during treatment) was significantly related to the decrease and recovery of microbial biomass, whereas there was no relationship between soil physicochemical properties and microbial biomass recovery.
Soil microbial biomass recovered quickly post-fire, which can be mainly due to the rapid attenuation of heat along the soil profile. Heat released during fire was the key factor determining the residual biomass, and the residual microbiomes determined the recovery patterns of the various taxa that comprise the culturable microbial biomass.
Due to the complexity of natural fire, simulated fire experiment and systematic sampling based on space (soil profile) and time are crucial to investigate the dynamics of soil microbes post-fire.
Keywords: dormant species, fire ecology, fire disturbance, peak temperature, pure culture, restoration ecology, soil depth, soil microorganisms.
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