Fire and rain are one: extreme rainfall events predict wildfire extent in an arid grassland
Elise M. Verhoeven A C , Brad R. Murray A , Chris R. Dickman B , Glenda M. Wardle
A School of Life Sciences, University of Technology Sydney, PO Box 123, NSW 2007, Australia.
B Desert Ecology Research Group, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.
C Corresponding author. Email:
International Journal of Wildland Fire 29(8) 702-711
Submitted: 12 June 2019 Accepted: 4 April 2020 Published: 12 May 2020
Assessing wildfire regimes and their environmental drivers is critical for effective land management and conservation. We used Landsat imagery to describe the wildfire regime of the north-eastern Simpson Desert (Australia) between 1972 and 2014, and to quantify the relationship between wildfire extent and rainfall. Wildfires occurred in 15 of the 42 years, but only 27% of the study region experienced multiple wildfires. A wildfire in 1975 burned 43% of the region and is the largest on record for the area. More recently, a large wildfire in 2011 reburned areas that had not burned since 1975 (47% of the 2011 wildfire), as well as new areas that had no record of wildfires (25% of the 2011 wildfire). The mean minimum wildfire return interval was 27 years, comparable with other spinifex-dominated grasslands, and the mean time since last wildfire was 21 years. Spinifex-dominated vegetation burned most frequently and over the largest area. Extreme annual rainfall events (> 93rd percentile) effectively predicted large wildfires occurring 2 years after those events. Extreme rainfall is predicted to increase in magnitude and frequency across central Australia, which could alter wildfire regimes and have unpredictable and far-reaching effects on ecosystems in the region’s arid landscapes.
Additional keywords: Australia, fire mapping, Landsat 8, Simpson Desert, wildfire regimes.
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