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International Journal of Wildland Fire International Journal of Wildland Fire Society
Journal of the International Association of Wildland Fire

Reducing fuels in the wildland–urban interface: community perceptions of agency fuels treatments

Eric Toman A D , Melanie Stidham B , Bruce Shindler B and Sarah McCaffrey C
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, 316C Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210, USA.

B Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA.

C Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service, 1033 University Place #360, Evanston, IL 60626, USA.

D Corresponding author. Email:

International Journal of Wildland Fire 20(3) 340-349
Submitted: 17 April 2010  Accepted: 1 September 2010   Published: 5 May 2011


Wildland fires and resulting effects have increased in recent years. Efforts are under way nationwide to proactively manage vegetative conditions to reduce the threat of wildland fires. Public support is critical to the successful implementation of fuels reduction programs, particularly at the wildland–urban interface. This study examines public acceptance of fuels treatments and influencing factors in five neighbourhoods in Oregon and Utah located adjacent to public lands. Support for treatment use was high across locations. Findings suggest citizen trust in agency managers to successfully implement treatment activities is particularly influential on treatment acceptance. Thus, building and maintaining trust with local citizens is an essential element in the successful implementation of fuel management programs.

Additional keywords: fire management, social acceptance.


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