Effects of heating on some soil physical properties related to its hydrological behaviour in two north-western Spanish soils
R. García-Corona A , E. Benito A B , E. de Blas A and M. E. Varela AA Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ciencia del Suelo, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo, E-36200 Vigo, Spain.
B Corresponding author. Telephone: +34 986 812561; fax: +34 986 812556; email: rueda@uvigo.es
International Journal of Wildland Fire 13(2) 195-199 https://doi.org/10.1071/WF03068
Submitted: 24 September 2003 Accepted: 3 February 2004 Published: 29 June 2004
Two forest soils rich in organic matter but differing in texture (sandy loam and silty loam) were heated under controlled laboratory conditions in order to examine the consequences of the heating effect that accompanies the passage of a fire on the physical properties of soil. Three samples of both soils were heated for 30 min in a muffle furnace at temperatures of 25, 170, 220, 380 and 460°C. At each temperature, the following parameters were determined: dry aggregate size distribution, water aggregate stability, total porosity, pore size distribution, water repellency and hydraulic conductivity. Heating the soils at 170 and 220°C caused no significant changes in aggregate size distribution or total porosity but increased water aggregate stability and the volume of pores 0.2–30 μm. Also, increased water repellency and strongly decreased the hydraulic conductivity. All parameters underwent much more dramatic changes at 380 and 460°C that can be ascribed to the combustion of organic matter. At such temperatures, water repellency was destroyed and the low hydraulic conductivity can be attributed to the aggregate breakdown observed under dry and wet conditions.
Additional keywords: soil heating; aggregate stability; water repellency; hydrophobicity; pore size distribution; hydraulic conductivity; organic matter.
This research was supported by the Xunta de Galicia Proyects (PGIDT98PXI30101A and PGIDIT02RFO30101PR).
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