Sheep rotational grazing strategy to improve soil organic carbon and reduce carbon dioxide emission from spring wheat in an arid region
Irshad Ahmad

Cultivating forage crops is crucial to improve feed production, and grazing is an important utilisation method to improve soil fertility.
Improving soil organic carbon (SOC) content and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emission through grazing management from a spring wheat field.
We compared sheep rotational grazing and control, and studied their effects on SOC and CO2 emission from a spring wheat field.
Sheep rotational grazing improved SOC content (by 23.5%) and soil easily oxidised organic carbon (EOC) content (by 7.7%) and reduces soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) content (by 35.8%) compared with the control. Sheep rotational grazing reduced CO2 emission compared with the control. Sheep grazing reduced cumulative CO2 emission by 28.9% and 33.0% in May and June compared with the control.
Sheep grazing improved SOC content and reduce CO2 emission from a spring wheat field.
Based on our short-term study, sheep rotational grazing has a significant effect on SOC, EOC and MBC contents and CO2 emission from spring wheat fields in arid regions. For a large-scale assessment of sheep grazing on soil fertility and CO2 emission, more investigation for different soils and climates is necessary. Furthermore, a long-term study is also necessary to better understand the effect of sheep rotational grazing on soil fertility and CO2 emission from spring wheat fields in arid regions.
Keywords: arid regions, carbon dioxide emission, microbial biomass carbon, sheep grazing, soil organic carbon, soil fertility, wheat.
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