Australian Journal of Soil Research
Volume 41 Number 1 2003
SR01107A field study on persistence and mobility of metsulfuron-methyl in three tropical agricultural soils
B. S. Ismail and Chong Tet-Vun
pp. 27-35
SR02034Characterisation of iron nodules in a Ultisol of central Taiwan
C. W. Pai, M. K. Wang, H. C. Chiang, H. B. King, J.-L. Hwong and H. T. Hu
pp. 37-46
SR02027Artificial neural network analysis of laboratory and in situ spectra for the estimation of macronutrients in soils of Lop Buri (Thailand)
K. W. Daniel, N. K. Tripathi and K. Honda
pp. 47-59
SR02021Chemical characteristics of phosphorus in alkaline soils from southern Australia
I. Bertrand, R. E. Holloway, R. D. Armstrong and M. J. McLaughlin
pp. 61-76
SR02044The effect of soil texture and roots on the stable carbon isotope composition of soil organic carbon
M. Bird, O. Kracht, D. Derrien and Y. Zhou
pp. 77-94
SR01103Soil organic matter as influenced by straw management practices and inclusion of grass and clover seed crops in cereal rotations
D. Curtin and P. M. Fraser
pp. 95-106
SR02038Subsoil nitrogen mineralisation and its potential to contribute to NH4 accumulation in a Vertosol
K. L. Page, R. C. Dalal, N. W. Menzies and W. M. Strong
pp. 119-126
SR01078Sediment yields and soil loss rates from different land uses on Triassic shales in western Sydney, NSW
Wayne D. Erskine, A. Mahmoudzadeh, C. M. Browning and C. Myers
pp. 127-140
SR02054The effect of a gap between the access tube and the soil during neutron probe measurements
J. Li, D. W. Smith and S. G. Fityus
pp. 151-164