Australian Journal of Soil Research
Volume 33 Number 1 1995
SR9950011Soil sampling bulk-density in the coastal lowlands of South-East Queensland
A Costantini
pp. 11-18
SR9950019Drying and oxidation effects on the magnetic properties of sulfidic material during oxidation
RH Crockford and IR Willett
pp. 19-29
SR9950031 Predicting lime-induced changes in soil-pH From exchangeable aluminum, soil-Ph, total exchangeable cations and organic-carbon values measured on unlimed soils
Z Hochman, GJ Crocker and EB Dettman
pp. 31-41
SR9950077Measurement of gaseous emissions from denitrification of applied N-15 .I. Effect of cover duration
UK Avalakki, WM Strong and PG Saffigna
pp. 77-87
SR9950089 Measurement of gaseous emissions from denitrification of applied N-15 .2. Effects of temperature and added straw
UK Avalakki, WM Strong and PG Saffigna
pp. 89-99
SR9950101Measurement of gaseous emissions from denitrification of applied N-15 .3. Field-measurements
UK Avalakki, WM Strong and PG Saffigna
pp. 101-111
SR9950113 Sulfur and phosphorus dynamics in an acid soil/crop system
D Santoso, RDB Lefroy and GJ Blair
pp. 113-124
SR9950125A comparison of sulfur extractants for weathered acid soils
D Santoso, RDB Lefroy and GJ Blair
pp. 125-133
SR9950135Fate of applied phosphate and sulfate in weathered acid soils under leaching conditions
RDB Lefroy, D Santoso and GJ Blair
pp. 135-151
SR9950153Aggregate size distribution and stability of an oxisol under legume-based and pure grass pastures in the eastern Colombian savannas
AJ Gijsman and RJ Thomas
pp. 153-165
SR9950167Respiration from soil and litter in a sown perennial grass pasture
FA Robertson, RJK Myers and PG Saffigna
pp. 167-178
SR9950179Soil modification by termites in the central wheat-belt of Western-Australia
L. A. Lobry de Bruyn and AJ Conacher
pp. 179-193