Development and acceptability of a digital tool for promoting syphilis testing in Australian general practice: qualitative study using the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability
Barbara Hunter A , Jane S. Hocking

In Australia, syphilis notifications increased 2.5-fold during 2013–2022 and 83 congenital syphilis cases were reported. Timely diagnosis and management are crucial. We developed a tool to promote syphilis testing into our existing ‘Future Health Today’ (FHT) software and explored its acceptability in general practice.
Our tool (FHT-syphilis) scans electronic medical record data to identify and prompt testing for pregnant women, and, people recently tested for sexually transmissible infection (STI) or HIV, but not syphilis. It links to relevant guidelines and patient resources. We implemented FHT-syphilis in 52 general practices using FHT for other conditions and interviewed practice clinicians (n = 9) to explore it’s acceptability. Data were analysed deductively guided by the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability.
Interviewees considered syphilis an important infection to focus on and broadly viewed FHT-syphilis as acceptable for identifying patients and giving clinicians authority to discuss syphilis testing. Time constraints and unrelated reasons for a patient’s visit were barriers to initiating syphilis testing discussions. Australian STI guidelines were considered appropriate to link to. Some interviewees considered prompts should be based on sexual behaviour, however this is not well captured in the electonic medical record. Two interviewees were alerted to updated Australian STI guidelines via their interaction with FHT-syphilis and expanded their syphilis testing practices. Expertise to initiate discussions about syphilis and risk was deemed important.
A digital tool for prompting syphilis testing was acceptable to clinicians already using FHT. Linkage to STI guidelines alerted some end-users to updated guidelines, informing STI testing practices.
Keywords: acceptability, Australia, clinical decision support, general practice, interventions, primary care, STIs, syphilis.
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