Key findings from the 2023 ‘ACT NOW on Global HIV Migration, Mobility and Health Equity’ community forum
N. Wells

A Kirby Institute,
People living with HIV continue to face laws, policies, and practices that impact their potential for travel and migration. These laws include: mandatory HIV testing and involuntary disclosure of HIV; lack of access to affordable HIV-related health care, treatment and counselling during the migration process; deportation of foreign nationals living with HIV; and restrictions on the length of stays.
HIV migration laws were the topic of a half-day community forum held as part of the 12th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science held in Brisbane, Australia, in July 2023. Over 150 delegates attended and, after a series of presentations, delegates were invited to participate in structured, facilitated conversations about issues related to policy, health and law concerning migration of people living with HIV. In this paper, we report on key themes from those discussions and identify areas for ongoing investigation.
Advocates recommended the removal of unfair and unjust migration laws and policies that contribute to HIV stigma and discrimination; updated migration policies that reflect the current context and cost of biomedical approaches to HIV management and prevention; expanded and equitable access to HIV-related care regardless of migration or residency status; and the development of advocacy networks to promote changes to migration policies.
Laws limiting the migration of people living with HIV actively discourage individuals from seeking HIV testing, treatment and care. Ultimately, restrictive migration laws and policies undermine global efforts to end AIDS as a public health concern and to virtually eliminate HIV transmission by 2030.
Keywords: health equity, HIV, HIV migration, HIV stigma, migration, mobility, people living with HIV, stigma.
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