Sexual Health
Volume 7 Number 4 2010
SH09107Should we change the focus of health promotion in sexual health clinics?
Rudiger Pittrof and Elizabeth Goodburn
pp. 407-410
SH09117Gay men's perceptions of sexually transmissible infections and their experiences of diagnosis: 'part of the way of life' to feeling 'dirty and ashamed'
Martin Holt, Diana Bernard and Kane Race
pp. 411-416
SH09151HIV results by phone: can we predict who will test HIV-negative?
Simon Wright, Nathan Ryder and Anna M. McNulty
pp. 417-419
SH09121HIV super-infection beliefs and sexual practices of people living with HIV/AIDS
Seth C. Kalichman, Lisa Eaton, Chauncey Cherry, Moira O. Kalichman, Howard Pope, Denise White, Christina M. Amaral, Connie Swetzes and Rene Macy
pp. 420-424
SH09116Establishing a linked sentinel surveillance system for blood-borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections: methods, system attributes and early findings
Jane L. Goller, Rebecca J. Guy, Judy Gold, Megan S. C. Lim, Carol El-Hayek, Mark A. Stoove, Isabel Bergeri, Christopher K. Fairley, David E. Leslie, Phillip Clift, Bethany White and Margaret E. Hellard
pp. 425-433
SH09113The effect of drug and sexual risk behaviours with social network and non-network members on homeless youths' sexually transmissible infections and HIV testing
Kimberly Tyler and Lisa Melander
pp. 434-440
SH09091Household-level correlates of condom use among a representative sample of Canadian adolescents
Brandon D. L. Marshall, Mieke Koehoorn and Jean A. Shoveller
pp. 441-447
SH09111Evaluation of clinical management of gonorrhoea using enhanced surveillance in South East Queensland
Emma Field, Karen Heel, Cheryn Palmer, Hassan Vally, Frank Beard and Brad McCall
pp. 448-452
SH09098Seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 among the Indigenous population of Cape York, Far North Queensland, Australia
Anthony G. Brazzale, Darren B. Russell, Anthony L. Cunningham, Janette Taylor and William J. H. McBride
pp. 453-459
SH09146Computer-assisted survey of attitudes to HIV and sexually transmissible infection partner notification in HIV-positive men who have sex with men
Clare L. N. Woodward, Sherie Roedling, Simon G. Edwards, Alice Armstrong and John Richens
pp. 460-462
SH09080Minimal impact of circumcision on HIV acquisition in men who have sex with men
Gregory J. Londish, David J. Templeton, David G. Regan, John M. Kaldor and John M. Murray
pp. 463-470
SH09080 Abstract | SH09080 Full Text | SH09080PDF (212 KB) Open Access Article
SH09108Individual, familial and extra-familial factors associated with premarital sex among Bangladeshi male adolescents
Nan Li and Marc Boulay
pp. 471-477
SH09125Chlamydia at an inner metropolitan sexual health service in Sydney, NSW: Australian Collaboration for Chlamydia Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance (ACCESS) Project
Neil Franklin, Catherine C. O'Connor, Miranda Shaw, Rebecca Guy, Andrew Grulich, Christopher K. Fairley, Marcus Y. Chen, Margaret Hellard, Bridget Dickson, Lewis Marshall and Basil Donovan
pp. 478-483
SH09110Chlamydia testing in general practice in Australia
Shailendra Sawleshwarkar, Christopher Harrison, Helena Britt and Adrian Mindel
pp. 484-490
SH08094Screening university students for genital chlamydial infection: another lesson to learn
Taha Aldeen, Jacky Jacobs and Roy Powell
pp. 491-494
SH09088HIV is rare among low-risk heterosexual men and significant potential savings could occur through phone results
Matiu R. Bush, Henrietta Williams and Christopher K. Fairley
pp. 495-497
SH09074Pelvic examination leads to changed clinical management in very few women diagnosed with asymptomatic chlamydia infection
Yi Man Lee, Anil Samaranayake, Christopher K. Fairley, Marcus Y. Chen, Fiona MacFarlane, Catriona S. Bradshaw and Jane S. Hocking
pp. 498-499
SH10051Gay men vary in their beliefs about what constitutes sex: Comment on Sanders et al. – Misclassification bias: diversity in conceptualisations about having 'had sex' (Sexual Health 2010; 7: 31–4)
Martin Holt, Diana Bernard and Kane Race
pp. 500-501