Factors influencing experiences of non-consensual sex: results from a mixed data cross-sectional online survey of Australian university students
Kathryn Wenham

The high prevalence of non-consensual sex, including physical force, verbal threats, intimidation, and/or verbal coercion and rape among university students, has prompted urgent calls for action from governments, statutory, and university bodies. This research aims to identify key factors students see as contributing to non-consensual sex with a view to developing effective strategies to address these issues.
An online cross-sectional survey was administered to 4291 university students attending universities in south-east Queensland, Australia. Participants were recruited via email, print media, and face-to-face invitations. The survey contained closed and open-ended questions on a range of sexual health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours, including non-consensual sexual experiences. A subset of students (n = 199) who responded ‘yes’ to engaging in sexual acts against their consent were the primary participants for this paper. Descriptive statistical analysis and thematic analysis, employing the theory of planned behaviour, were conducted using the quantitative and qualitative data regarding non-consensual sex, respectively.
Immediate and longer-term fear and partner eagerness were the most commonly identified influences on non-consensual sex. An inability to give consent due to lack of consciousness or intoxication were also frequently cited factors contributing to non-consensual sex.
Interventions acknowledging and addressing sociocultural factors are needed. Sexuality and relationship education encompassing effective communication, relationship boundaries, and safe use of alcohol and drugs could substantially reduce the incidence of non-consensual sex. Importantly, such education should be non-judgmental and place greater responsibility on perpetrators than victim-survivors.
Keywords: affirmative consent, Australia, non-consensual sex, planned behaviour, sexual consent, sexuality and relationship education, university students, victim survivors.
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