Condom failure among men receiving sexually transmissible infection clinic services, Cape Town, South Africa
Seth C. Kalichman A C , Leickness C. Simbayi B , Demetria Cain A and Sean Jooste BA Department of Psychology, 406 Babbidge Road, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, USA.
B Human Sciences Research Council, Cape Town 8000, South Africa.
C Corresponding author. Email:
Sexual Health 6(4) 300-304
Submitted: 29 April 2009 Accepted: 9 September 2009 Published: 13 November 2009
Background: Condoms offer the most realistic and available protection against sexually transmissible infections (STIs), including HIV infection. The protective benefits of condoms are, however, compromised by breaks and tears. The objective of the present study was to examine condom failure and associated behavioural risk factors among men at high-risk for HIV transmission in South Africa. Methods: Men (n = 431) receiving STI treatment services at a public clinic completed computer assisted interviews and STI clinic chart abstraction over a 1-year observation period. Results: One in three male STI clinic patients reported a history of condom failure. Condom failure was associated with sexual exchange, alcohol and other drug use, and higher rates of unprotected vaginal intercourse. Men with a history of condom failure were significantly more likely to have an STI diagnosis 1 month before the baseline interview and were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with an STI over the subsequent year. Conclusion: Condom failures are common among STI clinic patients and pose a threat for increased HIV transmission risks.
Additional keywords: HIV/AIDS prevention, risk behaviour, sexually transmissible infections.
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