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Australian sexually transmissible infection and HIV testing guidelines for asymptomatic men who have sex with men 2014: a review of the evidence

David J. Templeton A B C H , Phillip Read B D , Rajesh Varma E and Christopher Bourne F G
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A RPA Sexual Health, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, NSW 2050, Australia.

B The Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity in Society, The University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW 2052, Australia.

C Central Clinical School, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.

D Kirketon Road Centre, PO Box 22, Kings Cross, Sydney, NSW 1340, Australia.

E Western Sydney Sexual Health Centre, Jeffery House, Level 1, 162 Marsden Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150, Australia.

F Sydney Sexual Health Centre, Sydney Hospital, PO Box 1614 Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia.

G School of Public Health and Community Medicine, The University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW 2052, Australia.

H Corresponding author. Email:

Sexual Health 11(3) 217-229
Submitted: 3 January 2014  Accepted: 9 February 2014   Published: 2 April 2014

77 articles found in Crossref database.

Early initiation of antiretroviral therapy for people newly diagnosed with HIV infection in Australia: trends and predictors, 2004–2015
McManus Hamish, Callander Denton, Donovan Basil, Russell Darren B, O'Connor Catherine C, Davies Stephen C, Lewis David A, Hellard Margaret E, Chen Marcus Y, Petoumenos Kathy, Varma Rick, Cogle Aaron, Boyd Mark Alastair, Grulich Andrew, Pollard James, Medland Nick, Fairley Christopher K, Guy Rebecca J
Medical Journal of Australia. 2019 210(6). p.269
Only recent sexual partners contribute to oropharyngeal gonorrhoea positivity: the number of sexual partners over different time periods as an indicator of gonorrhoea and chlamydia infection duration among men who have sex with men
Priest David, Read Tim R. H., Chen Marcus Y., Bradshaw Catriona S., Fairley Christopher K., Chow Eric P. F.
Sexual Health. 2018 15(4). p.342
Taming the great: enhanced syphilis screening in HIV-positive men who have sex with men in a hospital clinic setting
Trubiano Jason A., Hoy Jennifer F.
Sexual Health. 2015 12(2). p.176
Evaluation of the Implementation of a New Nurse-Led Express “Test-And-Go” Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing Service for Men Who Have Sex With Men at a Sexual Health Center in Melbourne, Australia
Chow Eric P.F., Fortune Ria, Dobinson Sheranne, Wakefield Trish, Read Tim R.H., Chen Marcus Y., Bradshaw Catriona S., Fehler Glenda, Fairley Christopher K.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2018 45(6). p.429
Free HIV self-test for identification and linkage to care of previously undetected HIV infection in men who have sex with men in England and Wales (SELPHI): an open-label, internet-based, randomised controlled trial
Rodger Alison J, McCabe Leanne, Phillips Andrew N, Lampe Fiona C, Burns Fiona, Ward Denise, Delpech Valerie, Weatherburn Peter, Witzel T Charles, Pebody Roger, Kirwan Peter, Gabriel Michelle, Khawam Jameel, Brady Michael, Fenton Kevin A, Trevelion Roy, Collaco-Moraes Yolanda, McCormack Sheena, Dunn David
The Lancet HIV. 2022 9(12). p.e838
A longitudinal cohort study of HIV ‘treatment as prevention’ in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men: the Treatment with Antiretrovirals and their Impact on Positive And Negative men (TAIPAN) study protocol
Callander D., Stoové M., Carr A., Hoy J. F., Petoumenos K., Hellard M., Elliot J., Templeton D. J., Liaw S., Wilson D. P., Grulich A., Cooper D. A., Pedrana A., Donovan B., McMahon J., Prestage G., Holt M., Fairley C. K., McKellar-Stewart N., Ruth S., Asselin J., Keen P., Cooper C., Allan B., Kaldor J. M., Guy R.
BMC Infectious Diseases. 2016 16(1).
Rationale and design of FORTH: a randomised controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of HIV self-testing in increasing HIV testing frequency among gay and bisexual men
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BMC Infectious Diseases. 2015 15(1).
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Spiteri G., Unemo M., Mårdh O., Amato-Gauci A. J.
Epidemiology and Infection. 2019 147
Sexually transmissible infection control programs for men who have sex with men – what will they look like in 2020?
Refugio Oliver N., Roberts Chelsea, West Richard, Klausner Jeffrey D.
Sexual Health. 2017 14(1). p.126
High chlamydia and gonorrhoea repeat positivity in remote Aboriginal communities 2009–2011: longitudinal analysis of testing for re-infection at 3 months suggests the need for more frequent screening
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Genital Trichomonas vaginalis is rare among female attendees at a Sydney metropolitan sexual health clinic
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Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 2016 40(1). p.95
Evidence for a new paradigm of gonorrhoea transmission: cross-sectional analysis ofNeisseria gonorrhoeaeinfections by anatomical site in both partners in 60 male couples
Cornelisse Vincent Jasper, Williamson Deborah, Zhang Lei, Chen Marcus Y, Bradshaw Catriona, Hocking Jane S, Hoy Jennifer, Howden Benjamin P, Chow Eric P F, Fairley Christopher K
Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2019 95(6). p.437
The prevalence and correlates of undiagnosed HIV among Australian gay and bisexual men: results of a national, community‐based, bio‐behavioural survey
Holt Martin, Lea Toby, Asselin Jason, Hellard Margaret, Prestage Garrett, Wilson David, de Wit John, Stoové Mark
Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2015 18(1).
Screening Peter to Save Paul: The Population-Level Effects of Screening Men Who Have Sex With Men for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
Ridpath Alison D., Chesson Harrell, Marcus Julia L., Kirkcaldy Robert D., Torrone Elizabeth A., Aral Sevgi O., Bernstein Kyle T.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2018 45(9). p.623
Knowledge and awareness of HIV self-testing among Australian gay and bisexual men: a comparison of never, sub-optimal and optimal testers willingness to use
Dean Judith, Lui ChiWai, Mutch Allyson, Scott Michael, Howard Chris, Lemoire Jime, Crothers Anna, Fitzgerald Lisa, Williams Owain D.
AIDS Care. 2019 31(2). p.224
Position statement of the German STI Society on the prophylactic use of doxycycline to prevent STIs (Doxy‐PEP, Doxy‐PrEP)
Werner Ricardo Niklas, Schmidt Axel Jeremias, Potthoff Anja, Spornraft‐Ragaller Petra, Brockmeyer Norbert Hermann
JDDG: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft. 2024 22(3). p.466
Prevalence of sexually transmissible infections and HIV in men attending sex-on-premises venues in Australia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Ooi Catriona, Kong Fabian Y. S., Lewis David A., Hocking Jane S.
Sexual Health. 2020 17(2). p.135
Kissing, fellatio, and analingus as risk factors for oropharyngeal gonorrhoea in men who have sex with men: A cross-sectional study
Tran Julien, Ong Jason J., Bradshaw Catriona S., Chen Marcus Y., Kong Fabian Y.S., Hocking Jane S., Aung Ei T., Maddaford Kate, Fairley Christopher K., Chow Eric P.F.
eClinicalMedicine. 2022 51 p.101557
Implementation and Operational Research
Knight Vickie, Wand Handan, Gray James, Keen Phillip, McNulty Anna, Guy Rebecca
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2015 69(5). p.e147
Editorial Commentary: When to Perform a Test of Cure for Gonorrhea: Controversies and Evolving Data: Table 1.
Barbee Lindley A., Golden Matthew R.
Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2016 62(11). p.1356
An alternative model of sexually transmissible infection testing in men attending a sex-on-premises venue in Sydney: a cross-sectional descriptive study
Bennett Cherie, Knight Vickie, Knox Douglas, Gray James, Hartmann Gemma, McNulty Anna
Sexual Health. 2016 13(4). p.353
Dual Intervention to Increase Chlamydia Retesting
Smith Kirsty S., Hocking Jane S., Chen Marcus Y., Fairley Christopher K., McNulty Anna M., Read Phillip, Bradshaw Catriona S., Tabrizi Sepehr N., Wand Handan, Saville Marion, Rawlinson William, Garland Suzanne M., Donovan Basil, Kaldor John M., Guy Rebecca J.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2015 49(1). p.1
Sampling technique and detection rates of oropharyngeal and anorectal gonorrhoea using nucleic acid amplification tests in men who have sex with men
Yang Tim Z T, Chen Marcus Y, Read Tim R H, Needleman Robert, Bradshaw Catriona S, Fortune Ria, Fairley Christopher K, Chow Eric P F
Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2018 94(4). p.287
Increased targeted HIV testing and reduced undiagnosed HIV infections among gay and bisexual men
Patel PG, Keen P, McManus H, Duck T, Callander D, Selvey C, Power C, Gray RT, Knight V, Asselin J, Read P, Johnson K, Bavinton BR, Bowden VJ, Grulich AE, Guy R
HIV Medicine. 2021 22(7). p.605
Trends and predictors of recent HIV testing over 22 years among a clinic sample of men who have sex with men in South Australia
Li Bin, Bi Peng, Ward Alison, Bell Charlotte, Fairley Christopher K.
Sexual Health. 2017 14(2). p.164
Effect of availability of HIV self-testing on HIV testing frequency in gay and bisexual men at high risk of infection (FORTH): a waiting-list randomised controlled trial
Jamil Muhammad S, Prestage Garrett, Fairley Christopher K, Grulich Andrew E, Smith Kirsty S, Chen Marcus, Holt Martin, McNulty Anna M, Bavinton Benjamin R, Conway Damian P, Wand Handan, Keen Phillip, Bradley Jack, Kolstee Johann, Batrouney Colin, Russell Darren, Law Matthew, Kaldor John M, Guy Rebecca J
The Lancet HIV. 2017 4(6). p.e241
High Rates of Subsequent Asymptomatic Sexually Transmitted Infections and Risky Sexual Behavior in Patients Initially Presenting With Primary Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Infection
Braun Dominique L, Marzel Alex, Steffens Daniela, Schreiber Peter W, Grube Christina, Scherrer Alexandra U, Kouyos Roger D, Günthard Huldrych F, Anagnostopoulos A, Aubert V, Battegay M, Bernasconi E, Böni J, B D L, Bucher H C, Calmy A, Cavassini M, Ciuffi A, Dollenmaier G, Egger M, Elzi L, Fehr J, Fellay J, Furrer H, Fux C A, G H F, Haerry D, Hasse B, Hirsch H H, Hoffmann M, Hösli I, Huber M, Kahlert C, Kaiser L, Keiser O, Klimkait T, Kouyos R D, Kovari H, Ledergerber B B, Martinetti G, Martinez de Tejada B, Marzolini C, Metzner K J, Müller N, Nicca D, Pantaleo G, Paioni P, Rauch A, Rudin C, S A U, Schmid P, Speck R, Stöckle M, Tarr P, Trkola A, Vernazza P, Wandeler G, Weber R, Yerly S
Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2018 66(5). p.735
Prevalence of rectal Mycoplasma genitalium and macrolide resistance in men who have sex with men attending Sydney Sexual Health Centre
Bradley Isabella, Varma Rick, Knight Vickie, Iliakis Dimitra, McNally Leon, Jalocon Dean, Jeoffreys Neisha, Chen Sharon, McNulty Anna
Sexual Health. 2020 17(2). p.114
Increases in pharyngeal Neisseria gonorrhoeae positivity in men who have sex with men, 2011–2015: observational study
Comninos Nicholas Byron, Garton Linda, Guy Rebecca, Callander Denton, Fairley Christopher K, Grulich Andrew E, Donovan Basil, Goddard Sian Louise, Rutherford Alison, Templeton David J
Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2020 96(6). p.432
Systematic Development of an Intervention to Promote Self-Sampling for HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections for Men Who Have Sex With Men: An Intervention Mapping Approach
Leenen Jeanine, Hoebe Christian J. P. A., Bos Arjan E. R., Wolffs Petra F. G., van Loo Inge H. M., de Wit John B. F., Jonas Kai J., Dukers-Muijrers Nicole H. T. M.
Frontiers in Reproductive Health. 2021 3
What would be missed if we didn’t screen men who have sex with men for oral chlamydia trachomatis? A cross-sectional study
Loomba Priya, Knight Vickie, McNulty Anna
Sexual Health. 2016 13(2). p.196
Anorectal swabs as a marker of male-to-male sexual exposure in STI surveillance systems
Epidemiology and Infection. 2017 145(12). p.2530
Trends and differences in sexual practices and sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men only (MSMO) and men who have sex with men and women (MSMW): a repeated cross-sectional study in Melbourne, Australia
Martín-Sánchez Mario, Case Richard, Fairley Christopher, Hocking Jane S, Bradshaw Catriona, Ong Jason, Chen Marcus Y, Chow Eric P F
BMJ Open. 2020 10(11). p.e037608
A multicentre double-blind randomised controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of daily use of antibacterial mouthwash against oropharyngeal gonorrhoea among men who have sex with men: the OMEGA (Oral Mouthwash use to Eradicate GonorrhoeA) study protocol
Chow Eric P. F., Walker Sandra, Hocking Jane S., Bradshaw Catriona S., Chen Marcus Y., Tabrizi Sepehr N., Howden Benjamin P., Law Matthew G., Maddaford Kate, Read Tim R. H., Lewis David A., Whiley David M., Zhang Lei, Grulich Andrew E., Kaldor John M., Cornelisse Vincent J., Phillips Samuel, Donovan Basil, McNulty Anna M., Templeton David J., Roth Norman, Moore Richard, Fairley Christopher K.
BMC Infectious Diseases. 2017 17(1).
Increased Detection of Pharyngeal and Rectal Gonorrhea in Men Who Have Sex With Men After Transition From Culture To Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing
Cornelisse Vincent J., Chow Eric P.F., Huffam Sarah, Fairley Christopher K., Bissessor Melanie, De Petra Vesna, Howden Benjamin P., Denham Ian, Bradshaw Catriona S., Williamson Deborah, Chen Marcus Y.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2017 44(2). p.114
Can self-testing increase HIV testing among men who have sex with men: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Zhang Ci, Li Xianhong, Brecht Mary-Lynn, Koniak-Griffin Deborah, Paraskevis Dimitrios
PLOS ONE. 2017 12(11). p.e0188890
Increases in HIV Testing Frequency in Australian Gay and Bisexual Men are Concentrated Among PrEP Users: An Analysis of Australian Behavioural Surveillance Data, 2013–2018
Bavinton Benjamin R., Grulich Andrew E., Broady Timothy, Keen Phillip, Mao Limin, Patel Prital, Chan Curtis, Prestage Garrett P., Holt Martin
AIDS and Behavior. 2020 24(9). p.2691
Frequency and determinants of consistent STI/HIV testing among men who have sex with men testing at STI outpatient clinics in the Netherlands: a longitudinal study
Visser Maartje, Heijne Janneke C M, Hogewoning Arjan A, van Aar Fleur
Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2017 93(6). p.396
Physical function limitation among gay and bisexual men aged ≥55 years with and without HIV: findings from the Australian Positive and Peers Longevity Evaluation Study (APPLES)
Boettiger David C., Huque Md. Hamidul, Bloch Mark, Woolley Ian, Templeton David J., Law Matthew G., Fraser Neil, Hoy Jennifer, Petoumenos Kathy, Gupta Somesh
Sexual Health. 2022 19(6). p.533
Social and Behavioural Correlates of HIV Testing Among Australian Gay and Bisexual Men in Regular Relationships
Lee Evelyn, Murphy Dean, Mao Limin, de Wit John, Prestage Garrett, Zablotska Iryna, Holt Martin
AIDS and Behavior. 2016 20(6). p.1295
Association of HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis With Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Individuals at High Risk of HIV Infection
Traeger Michael W., Cornelisse Vincent J., Asselin Jason, Price Brian, Roth Norman J., Willcox Jeff, Tee Ban Kiem, Fairley Christopher K., Chang Christina C., Armishaw Jude, Vujovic Olga, Penn Matthew, Cundill Pauline, Forgan-Smith George, Gall John, Pickett Claire, Lal Luxi, Mak Anne, Spelman Tim D., Nguyen Long, Murphy Dean A., Ryan Kathleen E., El-Hayek Carol, West Michael, Ruth Simon, Batrouney Colin, Lockwood John T., Hoy Jennifer F., Hellard Margaret E., Stoové Mark A., Wright Edwina J.
JAMA. 2019 321(14). p.1380
Prevalence of self-reported comorbidities in HIV positive and HIV negative men who have sex with men over 55 years—The Australian Positive & Peers Longevity Evaluation Study (APPLES)
Petoumenos Kathy, Huang Robin, Hoy Jennifer, Bloch Mark, Templeton David J., Baker David, Giles Michelle, Law Matthew G., Cooper David A., Okulicz Jason F
PLOS ONE. 2017 12(9). p.e0184583
Is Screening for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Men Who Have Sex With Men Associated With Reduction of the Prevalence of these Infections? A Systematic Review of Observational Studies
Tsoumanis Achilleas, Hens Niel, Kenyon Chris Richard
Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2018 45(9). p.615
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Medder Jim
Rapid HIV Testing Is Highly Acceptable and Preferred among High-Risk Gay And Bisexual Men after Implementation in Sydney Sexual Health Clinics
Conway Damian P., Guy Rebecca, Davies Stephen C, Couldwell Deborah L., McNulty Anna, Smith Don E., Keen Phillip, Cunningham Philip, Holt Martin, Clark Jesse Lawton
PLOS ONE. 2015 10(4). p.e0123814
Epidemiology of lymphogranuloma venereum in New South Wales, 2006–2015
Kotevski Damian P, Lam Meeyin, Selvey Christine, Templeton David J, Donovan Linda G, Sheppeard Vicky
Communicable Diseases Intelligence. 2019 43
Treatment and outcomes of polymerase chain reaction-confirmed early syphilis
Read Phillip J., Guy Rebecca, Jeoffreys Neisha, Baker David, Shields Matthew, Donovan Basil
Sexual Health. 2015 12(6). p.506
Facilitators and Barriers Associated with Uptake of HIV Self-Testing among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Chongqing, China: A Cross-Sectional Survey
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020 17(5). p.1634
The rise of targeted HIV oral rapid testing in Australia
Chan Derek, Stewart Michael, Smith Maggie, Price Tony, Lusk Jo, Ooi Catriona, Read Phillip, Finlayson Robert
Medical Journal of Australia. 2015 202(5). p.251
Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and syphilis among men who have sex with men in Brazil
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BMC Public Health. 2015 15(1).
As through a glass, darkly: the future of sexually transmissible infections among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men
Stenger Mark Richard, Baral Stefan, Stahlman Shauna, Wohlfeiler Dan, Barton Jerusha E., Peterman Thomas
Sexual Health. 2017 14(1). p.18
Factors associated with declining to report the number of sexual partners using computer-assisted self-interviewing: a cross-sectional study among individuals attending a sexual health centre in Melbourne, Australia
Chow Eric P. F., Carlin John B., Read Tim R. H., Chen Marcus Y., Bradshaw Catriona S., Sze Jun K., Fairley Christopher K.
Sexual Health. 2018 15(4). p.350
Anal Ureaplasma spp. positivity among HIV positive men who have sex with men may be associated with high-risk-type HPV infections
Borena Wegene, Kruis Simon, Kitchen Maria, Taylor Ninon, Gisinger Martin, Oberkofler Hannes, Stoiber Heribert, Zangerle Robert, von Laer Dorothee, Sarcletti Mario
International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2019 84 p.75
Progress and Challenges in Ending HIV and AIDS in Australia
Holt Martin
AIDS and Behavior. 2017 21(2). p.331
Multi-centre field evaluation of the performance of the Trinity Biotech Uni-Gold HIV 1/2 rapid test as a first-line screening assay for gay and bisexual men compared with 4th generation laboratory immunoassays
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Journal of Clinical Virology. 2017 86 p.46
Increased Syphilis Testing of Men Who Have Sex With Men: Greater Detection of Asymptomatic Early Syphilis and Relative Reduction in Secondary Syphilis
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Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2017 65(3). p.389
Gonorrhoea gone wild: rising incidence of gonorrhoea and associated risk factors among gay and bisexual men attending Australian sexual health clinics
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Sexual Health. 2019 16(5). p.457
Chlamydia infection in individuals reporting contact with sexual partners with chlamydia: a cross-sectional study of sexual health clinic attendees
Huffam Sarah, Chow Eric P F, Fairley Christopher K, Hocking Jane, Peel Joanne, Chen Marcus
Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2015 91(6). p.434
Effectiveness of self-testing kits availability on improving HIV testing frequency for chinese men who have sex with men and their sexual partners: a protocol for a multicenter randomised controlled trial
Zhang Ci, Li Xianhong, Koniak-Griffin Deborah, Goldsamt Lloyd A., Zhou Jing
BMJ Open. 2018 8(12). p.e024423
Understanding the Targeting and Uptake of HIV Testing Among Gay and Bisexual Men Attending Sexual Health Clinics
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AIDS and Behavior. 2018 22(2). p.513
Cardiovascular disease and diabetes in HIV‐positive and HIV‐negative gay and bisexual men over the age of 55 years in Australia: insights from the Australian Positive & Peers Longevity Evaluation Study
Puhr R, Petoumenos K, Huang R, Templeton DJ, Woolley I, Bloch M, Russell D, Law MG, Cooper DA
HIV Medicine. 2019 20(2). p.121
Sustained, Low Prevalence of Undiagnosed HIV Among Gay and Bisexual Men in Sydney, Australia Coincident With Increased Testing and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Use: Results From Repeated, Bio-Behavioral Studies 2014–2018
Keen Phillip, Lee Evelyn, Grulich Andrew E., Prestage Garrett, Guy Rebecca, Stoové Mark A., Bavinton Benjamin R., Asselin Jason, Hammoud Mohamed A., Broady Tim, Duck Tim, Holt Martin
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2020 85(3). p.e41
2016 United Kingdom national guideline on the sexual health care of men who have sex with men
Clutterbuck Dan, Asboe David, Barber Tristan, Emerson Carol, Field Nigel, Gibson Stuart, Hughes Gwenda, Jones Rachael, Murchie Martin, Nori Achyuta V, Rayment Michael, Sullivan Ann
International Journal of STD & AIDS. 2018  p.095646241774689
Risk factors for oropharyngeal gonorrhoea in men who have sex with men: an age-matched case–control study
Cornelisse Vincent J, Walker Sandra, Phillips Tiffany, Hocking Jane S, Bradshaw Catriona S, Lewis David A, Prestage Garrett Paul, Grulich Andrew E, Fairley Christopher K, Chow Eric P F
Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2018 94(5). p.359
Cross-sectional study of sexual behaviour and health of gay and bisexual men in suburban Sydney, New South Wales, Australia: contrasts between sex venue and clinic attendees
Ooi Catriona, Donovan Basil, Lewis David A.
Sexual Health. 2021 18(3). p.248
Concordance of gonorrhoea of the rectum, pharynx and urethra in same-sex male partnerships attending a sexual health service in Melbourne, Australia
Cornelisse Vincent J., Zhang Lei, Law Matthew, Chen Marcus Y., Bradshaw Catriona S., Bellhouse Clare, Fairley Christopher K., Chow Eric P. F.
BMC Infectious Diseases. 2018 18(1).
The acceptability and cost of a home-based chlamydia retesting strategy: findings from the REACT randomised controlled trial
Smith K. S., Kaldor J. M., Hocking J. S., Jamil M. S., McNulty A. M., Read P., Bradshaw C. S., Chen M. Y., Fairley C. K., Wand H., Worthington K., Blake S., Knight V., Rawlinson W., Saville M., Tabrizi S. N., Garland S. M., Donovan B., Guy R.
BMC Public Health. 2015 16(1).
Which Gay and Bisexual Men Attend Community-Based HIV Testing Services in Australia? An Analysis of Cross-Sectional National Behavioural Surveillance Data
Lee Evelyn, Mao Limin, Bavinton Ben, Prestage Garrett, Holt Martin
AIDS and Behavior. 2020 24(2). p.387
Assessing the Impacts of Integrated Decision Support Software on Sexual Orientation Recording, Comprehensive Sexual Health Testing, and Detection of Infections Among Gay and Bisexual Men Attending General Practice: Observational Study
Callander Denton, Bourne Christopher, Wand Handan, Stoové Mark, Hocking Jane S, de Wit John, Kaldor John M, Donovan Basil, Pell Catherine, Finlayson Robert, Baker David, Forssman Bradley, Tee BK, Kefalas Bill, Duck Tim, Guy Rebecca
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HIV testing self-efficacy is associated with higher HIV testing frequency and perceived likelihood to self-test among gay and bisexual men
Jamil Muhammad S., Guy Rebecca J., Bavinton Benjamin R., Fairley Christopher K., Grulich Andrew E., Holt Martin, Smith Kirsty S., Chen Marcus, McNulty Anna M., Conway Damian P., Keen Phillip, Bradley Jack, Russell Darren, Kaldor John M., Prestage Garrett, on behalf of the FORTH Investigator Group
Sexual Health. 2017 14(2). p.170
Providing competent, comprehensive and inclusive sexual health services for men who have sex with men in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review
Bien-Gund Cedric H., Zhao Peipei, Cao Bolin, Tang Weiming, Ong Jason J., Baral Stefan D., Bauermeister José A., Yang Li-Gang, Luo Zhenzhou, Tucker Joseph D.
Sexual Health. 2019 16(4). p.320
High prevalence of rectal gonorrhoea among men reporting contact with men with gonorrhoea: Implications for epidemiological treatment
Dutt Krishneel, Chow Eric P.F., Huffam Sarah, Klassen Karen, Fairley Christopher K., Bradshaw Catriona S, Denham Ian, Chen Marcus Y.
BMC Public Health. 2015 15(1).
Prevalence ofMycoplasma genitaliumby anatomical site in men who have sex with men: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Latimer Rosie L, Shilling Hannah S, Vodstrcil Lenka A, Machalek Dorothy A, Fairley Christopher K, Chow Eric P F, Read Tim RH, Bradshaw Catriona S
Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2020 96(8). p.563
Viral suppression and HIV transmission in serodiscordant male couples: an international, prospective, observational, cohort study
Bavinton Benjamin R, Pinto Angie N, Phanuphak Nittaya, Grinsztejn Beatriz, Prestage Garrett P, Zablotska-Manos Iryna B, Jin Fengyi, Fairley Christopher K, Moore Richard, Roth Norman, Bloch Mark, Pell Catherine, McNulty Anna M, Baker David, Hoy Jennifer, Tee Ban Kiem, Templeton David J, Cooper David A, Emery Sean, Kelleher Anthony, Grulich Andrew E, Grulich Andrew E, Zablotska-Manos Iryna B, Prestage Garrett P, Jin Fengyi, Bavinton Benjamin R, Grinsztejn Beatriz, Phanuphak Nittaya, Cooper David A, Kelleher Anthony, Emery Sean, Fairley Christopher K, Wilson David, Koelsch Kersten K, Triffitt Kathy, Doong Nicolas, Baker David, Bloch Mark, Templeton David J, McNulty Anna, Pell Catherine, Hoy Jennifer, Tee Ban Kiem, Moore Richard, Roth Norman, Orth David, Pinto Angie N
The Lancet HIV. 2018 5(8). p.e438
Extragenital Infections Caused byChlamydia trachomatisandNeisseria gonorrhoeae: A Review of the Literature
Chan Philip A., Robinette Ashley, Montgomery Madeline, Almonte Alexi, Cu-Uvin Susan, Lonks John R., Chapin Kimberle C., Kojic Erna M., Hardy Erica J.
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Stellungnahme der Deutschen STI‐Gesellschaft zur antibiotischen STI‐Prophylaxe mit Doxycyclin (Doxy‐PEP, Doxy‐PrEP)
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Higher Sexually Transmissible Infection Test Yield Among Men Who Have Sex With Men Attending a Community-Based Testing Site Compared With a Clinical Service In Sydney, Australia
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