Australian Systematic Botany
Volume 23 Number 3 2010
SB09047Phylogeny and generic taxonomy of the New Zealand Pteridaceae ferns from chloroplast rbcL DNA sequences
Whitney L. M. Bouma, Peter Ritchie and Leon R. Perrie
pp. 143-151
SB09054A phylogenetic study of subgenus Polypompholyx: a parallel radiation of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) throughout Australasia
Markus S. Reut and Richard W. Jobson
pp. 152-161
SB09037Phylogenetic analysis based on nuclear DNA and morphology defines a clade of eastern Australian species of Acacia s.s. (section Juliflorae): the 'Acacia longifolia group'
Gillian K. Brown, Catherine Clowes, Daniel J. Murphy and Pauline Y. Ladiges
pp. 162-172
SB09055The genus Karoowia (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) includes unrelated clades nested within Xanthoparmelia
Guillermo Amo de Paz, H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Paloma Cubas, John A. Elix and Ana Crespo
pp. 173-184
SB09049Revision of Pycnandra subgenus Achradotypus (Sapotaceae), with five new species from New Caledonia
Ulf Swenson and Jérôme Munzinger
pp. 185-216