Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Volume 17 Number 8 2005
RD05048Effects of bovine oviduct epithelial cells, fetal calf serum and bovine serum albumin on gene expression in single bovine embryos produced in the synthetic oviduct fluid culture system
Mona E. Pedersen, Øzen Banu Øzdas, Wenche Farstad, Aage Tverdal and Ingrid Olsaker
pp. 751-757
RD05065Reproductive effects after exposure of male mice to vincristine and to a combination of X-rays and vincristine
Małgorzata M. Dobrzyńska, Urszula Czajka and Maria G. Słowikowska
pp. 759-767
RD05068Luteal stage dependence of pituitary response to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone in cyclic dairy ewes subjected to synchronisation of ovulation
G. S. Amiridis, I. Valasi, I. Menegatos, C. Rekkas, P. Goulas, T. Papanikolaou and C. Deligiannis
pp. 769-774
RD05038In vitro and in vivo culture effects on mRNA expression of genes involved in metabolism and apoptosis in bovine embryos
Hiemke M. Knijn, Christine Wrenzycki, Peter J. M. Hendriksen, Peter L. A. M. Vos, Elly C. Zeinstra, Gijsbert C. van der Weijden, Heiner Niemann and Steph J. Dieleman
pp. 775-784
RD05087Early onset of embryonic mortality in sub-fertile families of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
J. W. Stoddard, J. E. Parsons and J. J. Nagler
pp. 785-790
RD05066Highly efficient and reliable chemically assisted enucleation method for handmade cloning in cattle
Gábor Vajta, Poul Maddox-Hyttel, Christina T. Skou, R. Tayfur Tecirlioglu, Teija T. Peura, Liangxue Lai, Clifton N. Murphy, Randall S. Prather, Peter M. Kragh and Henrik Callesen
pp. 791-797
RD04104Stereomicroscopic and histological examination of bovine embryos following extended in vitro culture
Natalie I. Alexopoulos, Gábor Vajta, Poul Maddox-Hyttel, Andrew J. French and Alan O. Trounson
pp. 799-808
RD05075DNA methylation patterns in in vitro-fertilised goat zygotes
J. Hou, T. H. Lei, L. Liu, X. H. Cui, X. R. An and Y. F. Chen
pp. 809-813
RD05017Accumulation and distribution of neutral lipid droplets is non-uniform in ovine blastocysts produced in vitro in either the presence or absence of serum
A. Reis, G. J. McCallum and T. G. McEvoy
pp. 815-823