Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Volume 10 Number 1 1998
Genes and Environment in Human Reproductive Disorders
R98014Genomic imprinting, development and disease—is pre-eclampsia caused by a maternally imprinted gene?
Jennifer A. Marshall Graves
pp. 23-30
R98041Properties and uses of embryonic stem cells: prospects for application to human biology and gene therapy
P. D. Rathjen, J. Lake, L. M. Whyatt, M. D. Bettess and J. Rathjen
pp. 31-48
R98016Obesity: genes, glands or gluttony?
D. J. Chisholm, K. Samaras, T. Markovic, D. Carey, N. Lapsys and L. V. Campbell
pp. 49-54
R98024Disturbance of the reproductive axis induced by negative energy balance
Stephen J. Judd
pp. 65-72
R98030Increased chromosome abnormalities in human preimplantation embryos after in-vitro fertilization in patients with recurrent miscarriage
C. Simón, C. Rubio, F. Vidal, C. Gimenez, C. Moreno, J. J. Parrilla and A. Pellicer
pp. 87-92
R98029Genetic disorders and spermatogenesis
R. I. McLachlan, C. Mallidis, K. Ma, S. Bhasin and D. M. de Kretser
pp. 97-104
R98051Antiandrogens as environmental endocrine disruptors¤
W. R. Kelce, L. E. Gray and E. M. Wilson
pp. 105-112