Biological bases of premature ovarian failure
Roger G. Gosden and Malcolm J. Faddy
Reproduction, Fertility and Development
10(1) 73 - 78
Published: 1998
The ovary is endowed at birth with a fixed number of primordial follicles, which steadily dwindles throughout life as a result of atresia and recruitment towards ovulation. In addition to age, the number varies allometrically between species, larger and longer-lived animals tending to have more follicles initially and these disappear at a slower rate. A causal relationship between follicle depletion and menopause clearly exists, and there is a gradual acceleration of follicle wastage in the human ovary beginning more than a decade before the end of menstrual life. A mathematical model has provided confirmatory evidence of this relationship, and indicates that menopause is triggered by a threshold number of follicles which varies stochastically with a mean of 1100
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