The role of asprosin in regulating ovarian granulosa- and theca-cell steroidogenesis: a review with comparisons to other adipokines
Excel Rio S. Maylem A , Luis Fernando Schütz B and Leon J. Spicer
Adipose tissues produce a variety of biologically active compounds, including cytokines, growth factors and adipokines. Adipokines are important as they function as endocrine hormones that are related to various metabolic and reproductive diseases. The goal of this review was to summarise the role of asprosin, a recently discovered adipokine, and compare its role in ovarian steroidogenesis with that of other adipokines including adiponectin, leptin, resistin, apelin, visfatin, chemerin, irisin, and gremlin 1. The summary of concentrations of these adipokines in humans, rats and other animals will help researchers identify appropriate doses to test in future studies. Review of the literature indicated that asprosin increases androstenedione production in theca cells (Tc), and when cotreated with FSH increases oestradiol production in granulosa cells (Gc). In comparison, other adipokines (1) stimulate Gc oestradiol production but inhibit Tc androgen production (adiponectin), (2) inhibit Gc oestradiol production and Tc androstenedione production (leptin and chemerin), (3) inhibit Gc steroidogenesis with no effect on Tc (resistin), (4) inhibit Gc oestradiol production but stimulate Tc androgen production (gremlin 1), and (5) increase steroid secretion by Gc, with unknown effects on Tc steroidogenesis (apelin and visfatin). Irisin has direct effects on Gc but its precise role (inhibitory or stimulatory) may be species dependent and its effects on Tc will require additional research. Thus, most adipokines have direct effects (either positive or negative) on steroid production in ovarian cells, but how they all work together to create a cumulative effect or disease will require further research.
Keywords: adiponectin, apelin, asprosin, chemerin, gremlin-1, irisin, leptin, ovary, resistin, steroidogenesis, visfatin.
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