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O. J. Ginther A B D , B. L. Rodrigues A , J. C. Ferreira A , R. R. Araujo A C and M. A. Beg B
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A Eutheria Foundation, Cross Plains, WI 53528, USA.

B Department of Pathobiological Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA.

C Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Reproduction, Fertility and Development 20(6) 684-693
Submitted: 16 April 2008  Accepted: 26 May 2008   Published: 9 July 2008

49 articles found in Crossref database.

The end of the tour de force of the corpus luteum in mares
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Theriogenology. 2012 77(6). p.1042
Stimulation of LH, FSH, and luteal blood flow by GnRH during the luteal phase in mares
Castro T., Oliveira F.A., Siddiqui M.A.R., Baldrighi J.M., Wolf C.A., Ginther O.J.
Theriogenology. 2016 85(4). p.740
The hour of transition into luteolysis in horses and cattle: A species comparison
Ginther O.J., Beg M.A.
Theriogenology. 2012 77(9). p.1731
Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), but not prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), alters luteal and endometrial luteinizing hormone (LH) occupied and unoccupied LH receptors and mRNA for LH receptors in ovine luteal tissue to prevent luteolysis
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Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators. 2010 91(1-2). p.42
Diestrus administration of oxytocin prolongs luteal maintenance and reduces plasma PGFM concentrations and endometrial COX-2 expression in mares
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Theriogenology. 2013 79(4). p.616
Stimulatory effect of PGF2α on PRL based on experimental inhibition of each hormone in mares
Ginther O.J., Pinaffi F.L.V., Rodriguez M.B., Duarte L.F., Beg M.A.
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A 40-year odyssey into the mysteries of equine luteolysis
Ginther O.J.
Theriogenology. 2009 72(5). p.591
Concentrations of progesterone, a metabolite of PGF2α, prolactin, and luteinizing hormone during development of idiopathic persistent corpus luteum in mares
Ginther O.J., Baldrighi J.M., Castro T., Wolf C.A., Santos V.G.
Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 2016 55 p.114
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Ginther O.J., Shrestha H.K., Fuenzalida M.J., Shahiduzzaman A.K.M., Hannan M.A., Beg M.A.
Theriogenology. 2010 74(7). p.1179
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Oxytocin induction of pulses of a prostaglandin metabolite and luteolysis in mares
Santos V.G., Castro T., Bettencourt E.M., Ginther O.J.
Theriogenology. 2015 83(4). p.730
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Ginther O.J., Santos Vanda G.
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 2015 35(1). p.1
Temporal relationships of a pulse of prolactin (PRL) to a pulse of a metabolite of PGF2α in mares
Ginther O.J., Pinaffi F.L.V., Silva L.A., Beg M.A.
Theriogenology. 2012 77(1). p.99
Dynamics of Circulating Progesterone Concentrations Before and During Luteolysis: A Comparison Between Cattle and Horses1
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Endogenous and exogenous effects of PGF2α during luteolysis in mares
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Concentrations of circulating hormones during the interval between pulses of a PGF2α metabolite in mares and heifers
Ginther O.J., Rodriguez M.B., Beg M.A.
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Hormonal, luteal, and follicular changes during initiation of persistent corpus luteum in mares
Santos V.G., Bettencourt E.M., Ginther O.J.
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Physiologic and nonphysiologic effects of exogenous prostaglandin F2α on reproductive hormones in mares
Ginther O.J., Siddiqui M.A.R., Beg M.A.
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Concentrations of circulating hormones normalized to pulses of a prostaglandin F2α metabolite during spontaneous luteolysis in mares
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Necessity of Sequential Pulses of Prostaglandin F2alpha for Complete Physiologic Luteolysis in Cattle1
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Follicle and systemic hormone interrelationships during induction of luteinized unruptured follicles with a prostaglandin inhibitor in mares
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Hormone concentration changes temporally associated with the hour of transition from preluteolysis to luteolysis in mares
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Early Pregnancy in Jennies in the Caribbean: Corpus Luteum Development and Progesterone Production, Uterine and Embryo Dynamics, Conceptus Growth and Maturation
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Relationships among nitric oxide metabolites and pulses of a PGF2α metabolite during and after luteolysis in mares
Ginther O.J., Wolf C.A., Baldrighi J.M., Greene J.M.
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Correlations of corpus luteum blood flow with fertility and progesterone in embryo recipient mares
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Effects of Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin on Ovulatory and Luteal Characteristics of Mares Submitted to an P4-Based Protocol of Ovulation Induction With hCG
Teixeira Ana Carolina Bahia, Valle Guilherme Ribeiro, Riveros José Andrés Nivia, Diniz Juliana Horta Wilke, Wenceslau Raphael Rocha, Monteiro Gabriel Augusto, Leme Fabiola de Oliveira Paes, Oliveira Letícia Zoccolaro
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Role of PGF2α in luteolysis based on inhibition of PGF2α synthesis in the mare
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Stimulation of pulses of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2α (PGFM) with estradiol-17β and changes in circulating progesterone concentrations within a PGFM pulse in heifers
Ginther O.J., Shrestha H.K., Fuenzalida M.J., Imam S., Beg M.A.
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Luteal vascularity and embryo dynamics in mares during early gestation: Effect of age and endometrial degeneration
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Progesterone responses to intravenous and intrauterine infusions of prostaglandin F2α in mares
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Induction of PGFM pulses and luteolysis by sequential estradiol-17β treatments in heifers
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Evidence for a PGF2α auto-amplification system in the endometrium in mares
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Ovarian and PGF2α responses to stimulation of endogenous PRL pulses during the estrous cycle in mares
Pinaffi F.L.V., Khan F.A., Silva L.A., Beg M.A., Ginther O.J.
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Characteristics of Pulses of 13,14-Dihydro-15-Keto-Prostaglandin F2alpha Before, During, and after Spontaneous Luteolysis and Temporal Intrapulse Relationships with Progesterone Concentrations in Cattle1
Ginther O.J., Shrestha H.K., Fuenzalida M.J., Shahiduzzaman A.K.M., Beg M.A.
Biology of Reproduction. 2010 82(6). p.1049
Concentrations of progesterone and a PGF2α metabolite during the interovulatory interval compared to the corresponding days of pregnancy in mares
Castro T., Jacob J.C., Stefani G., Domingues R.R., Ginther O.J.
Theriogenology. 2021 165 p.10
Effect of age on functional and structural status of the corpus luteum during the early gestation in mares
Ferreira Jair Camargo, Ignácio Fernanda Saules, de Meira Cezinande
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 2012 32(7). p.405
Defective secretion of Prostaglandin F2α during development of idiopathic persistent corpus luteum in mares
Ginther O.J., Castro T., Baldrighi J.M., Wolf C.A., Santos V.G.
Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 2016 55 p.60

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