![Australian Journal of Primary Health](/covers/PYv20n2cover.jpg)
Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 20 Number 2 2014
PY13080Preventing maternal and early childhood obesity: the fetal flaw in Australian perinatal care
Margaret Miller, Lydia Hearn, Paige van der Pligt, Jane Wilcox and Karen J. Campbell
pp. 123-127
PY12157Establishing a clinic for young people in a rural setting: a community initiative to meet the needs of rural adolescents
Kaye Ervin, Jacqueline Phillips and Jane Tomnay
pp. 128-133
PY12162Responding to Australia's National Hepatitis B Strategy 2010–13: gaps in knowledge and practice in relation to Indigenous Australians
Anna Olsen, Jack Wallace and Lisa Maher
pp. 134-142
PY12096‘It still leaves me sixty dollars out of pocket’: experiences of diabetes medical care among low-income earners in Perth
Beatriz Cuesta-Briand, Sherry Saggers and Alexandra McManus
pp. 143-150
PY12138Yarning about health checks: barriers and enablers in an urban Aboriginal medical service
Warren Jennings, Geoffrey K. Spurling and Deborah A. Askew
pp. 151-157
PY12147How integrated are services for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Perceptions of patients and health care providers
S. E. Kirby, M. Mutimbe, S. Vagholkar, J. Bunker, S. M. Dennis and S.-T. Liaw
pp. 158-161
PY12106Within the boundary fence: an investigation into the perceptions of men’s experience of depression in rural and remote areas of Australia
Lisa Patterson-Kane and Frances Quirk
pp. 162-166
PY12105General practice visits by people with traumatic spinal cord injury: a Queensland longitudinal study
Delena Amsters, Sarita Schuurs, Melissa Kendall, Kiley Pershouse, Ruth Barker and Pim Kuipers
pp. 167-173
PY12066Interactions between perceptions of relationship quality and postnatal depressive symptoms in Australian, primiparous women and their partners
Karen Wynter, Heather Rowe and Jane Fisher
pp. 174-181
PY12083Improving the experiences and health of people with multimorbidity: exploratory research with policymakers and information providers on comorbid arthritis
Rebecca E. Ryan and Sophie J. Hill
pp. 188-196
PY12131GP clinic and community health centre approach to after hours and the role of Medicare Locals in educating and raising awareness
Natalie E. Rinehart, Samantha Smorgon and Jessica Holman
pp. 197-202
PY12118Australian practice nurses’ perceptions of their role and competency to provide nutrition care to patients living with chronic disease
Sarah Cass, Lauren Ball and Michael Leveritt
pp. 203-208
PY12121A tool to evaluate patients’ experiences of nursing care in Australian general practice: development of the Patient Enablement and Satisfaction Survey
Jane Desborough, Michelle Banfield and Rhian Parker
pp. 209-215
PYv20n2_BR2Nutritionism: The Science and Politics of Dietary Advice
Reviewed by Carol Chenco
pp. 217-217
PYv20n2_BR3Introducing Mental Health Nursing: A Service User-oriented Approach, 2nd Edition
Reviewed by Melissa Buultjens
pp. 218-218