Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 35 Number 6 1982
PH820687The Extremely Large Effective Coulomb Matrix Element of 66Ge?66Ga
CT Yap and EL Saw
pp. 687-692
PH820699A Semi-empirical Law for Sputtering in Plasma Devices
JL Cook, EK Rose and JW Connolly
pp. 699-708
PH820709Removal of Channelled Spectra Signatures in Fourier Spectroscopy
KJ Grant, P Fisher, M Kosaka and AD Martin
pp. 709-714
PH820749Gallium Arsenide as a Competitor to Silicon for High-speed Amplification and Switching
PH Ladbrooke, DR Debuf, K Nanayakkara and DR Wilkins
pp. 749-760