Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 46 Number 5 1993
PH930601A Tight Binding Model for the Density of States of Graphite-like Structures, Calculated using Green's Functions
BA McKinnon and TC Choy
pp. 601-612
PH930635Local-field Effects in the High-q-vector Dielectric Response of Si
TW Josefsson and AE Smith
pp. 635-646
PH930647On the Effects of Gravitational Fields on the Electrical Properties of Matter
Geoffrey I Opat
pp. 647-650
PH930651Electronic Structure and Spin Fluctuations in the fcc Fe?Pd System
P Mohn, E Supanetz and K Schwarz
pp. 651-662
PH930663A pilot study of paramagnetic resonance centres in selected Argyle diamonds
DR Hutton and GJ Troup
pp. 663-666
PH930667Magnetic Moment Distribution in Ferromagnetic Co?Mn Alloys
TJ Hicks and AR Wildes
pp. 667-678
PH930679Investigation of Magnetic Ordering in RCo12B6 (R = Y, Nd) by 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy
JM Cadogan, SJ Campbell, XL Zhao and E Wu
pp. 679-687
PH930695Low-temperature Thermal Expansion Anomalies in Indium and Its Solid Solution Alloys with Thallium
M Liu, TR Finlayson and TF Smith
pp. 695-706
PH930717How Successfully Does Angle-resolved Photoemission Determine the Band Structure of Semiconductors?
Robert Leckey, John Riley, Yong Cai, Jurgen Faul and Lothar Ley
pp. 717-728