Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 44 Number 4 1991
PH910363Improved Parton Distributions from the Quark Model
SD Bass, A Schreiber, AW Thomas and JT Londergan
pp. 363-368
PH910397Excitation of Swift Heavy Ions in Foil Targets. V Production of Rydberg States
HJ Hay and PB Treacy
pp. 397-420
PH910421Growth and Properties of Large Single Crystals of YBa2Cu3O7-d from BaCuO2/CuO Flux
BA Hunter, SL Town, DN Matthews, GJ Russell and KNR Taylor
pp. 421-428
PH910429Electron Spin Resonance of V4+(VO2+) in Beryl
DR Hutton, FA Darmann and GJ Troup
pp. 429-434